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关于”对公共道德的看法“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Views on public morality。以下是关于对公共道德的看法的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on public morality

It is undeniable that at present, there is a controversial debate about whether American TV series is beneficial to our study or just entertainment. To study what kind of roof to room, what kind of packaging to bag is, I attach great importance to our English learning. It is hard to imagine that the world without its charm is buried on it Hard work.

However, as the saying goes, no garden has two weeds. Therefore, we must not turn a blind eye to its unforeseen consequences.




With the development of the Internet, people can learn about instant news and see what's going on around the world. From time to time, we hear bad news about young people's misbehavior. The biggest news is about a teenager insulting a girl and being arrested.

The whole world is watching this case. Because teenagers come from rich families, their lack of moral consciousness has always been criticized. Before the crime, not many people are aware of the moral problems of teenagers.

The society appeals to the family They know that they are too focused on what they need. In order to spend more time with their children, they teach children what is right and what is wrong, and cultivate their moral concepts. They tell them what to do and what to avoid.

Teenagers will not break the law.




Now, when we are in public places, we can see garbage everywhere. People throw away the garbage. What's more, some people still cross the border.

All these behaviors are against public morality. Public morality has been advocated all the time. We have been educated since childhood to perform well in public, but we can still see some people's bad behaviors in public places The lack of morality reflects a person's bad personality.

No matter where they are, they will be condemned by others. We need our own behavior. We should not litter, jump or disturb others in silence where we need self-control.




标签: 三年级 作文 万能 年级 看法

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