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关于”有关父母与子女“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:About parents and children。以下是关于有关父母与子女的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About parents and children

Many parents welcome turning off the TV and spending more time with their families, but they still say that if there is no TV, they will always be on call as entertainers for their children. They remember that they thought a lot of things to do when they were young, but their own children seemed different and less resourceful. When there was nothing to do, these parents regretfully observed that their children could not do anything except turn on the TV.

For example, when I was a child, we always thought about what to do. Of course, we never bothered Today, they are just lazy. If someone doesn't treat them, they will sit there watching TV all day.

For his father's disappointment, there is one word that is unfair: he regrets the lack of creativity of his children, as if the ability to play is something that his children are born with, while the tendency to play is inherent in human beings, that is, the ability to imagine and invent, and the ability to work to obtain a sense of achievement from it is a skill that must be learned and developed. However, disappointment is not only unfair, but also destructive when they feel their parents' disappointment. Children begin to believe that they really lack something.

On the other hand, children have the opportunity to develop new resources, broaden their horizons and find their own fun in doing things, which makes them not worthy of admiration and respect. This is also a way to help children develop self-confidence Because they think they are capable and interested.





In my opinion, generation gap is a very popular saying. Generation gap refers to the communication barrier between different generations, especially between parents and children. With the development of society, this problem becomes more and more obvious.

The causes of generation gap are various. In the growing society, the younger generation needs our younger generation to play different roles in different mentality Our younger generation needs to pay more attention to their different roles in the process of growing up. In addition, to understand others, we should follow the pace of the times to enjoy new ideas, new ideas and new things.

In this way, we will find that the generation gap is not a terrible thing, and we can benefit from it.




The reason why parents spend less time with their children in most families in China, parents have to go out to work to earn more money and provide a better working environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, these parents always rest in their leisure time, which makes families have little time to do things together. What's worse, their communication with their children is becoming less and less The generation gap problem is becoming more and more serious.

It is very common for parents and their children to have a bad relationship. I think these problems are caused by busy parents. Most of them are busy making money, so they have no spare time to go to the children and educate them.

They think that they have time, but they still don't try to communicate with children. This is because of parents and children Children can't get to know each other very well, and there will be friction due to the reduction of communication, which makes children lose a lot of opportunities for parents and communication to receive education quality in the process of growing up. Busy parents should sacrifice their spare time and actively communicate with their children to improve their relationship on Sundays and some festivals Children go to the park or go to the movies because it can reduce their quarrels.

In addition, under great social pressure, parents should give up their absolute power in the family as much as possible, so that they can chat with them freely. Therefore, most parents are not wrong to make money. They must take time to accompany their children.

No matter how busy parents are, they should put children first.




标签: 初中 作文 真题 父母

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