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With the development of science and technology, many new things have appeared here, such as cloning. The scientific invention of cloning has become a hot topic among people, especially the heated debate among young people. Now cloning science has been used to produce plants for many years, which has brought us a lot of benefits.

If there are serious problems with the human body, or clone the human body There are serious problems, or there are serious problems in the body of the clone, or there are some serious problems in the body of the clone person, or some organs of the human clone can be replaced by cloning technology, or some organs on his body can be replaced by cloning technology. In this way, we can ensure that someone can continue to live, so that cloning will be beneficial to us Cloning is no exception. It has both advantages and disadvantages.

Most people are against the application of cloning technology in our life.




Westhuson's experience in animal cloning made him uneasy about the human cloning speech on the Missy project in the past three years. He used hundreds of dog eggs. The A & M team produced only a dozen embryos carrying Missy DNA, none of which survived after being transferred to a surrogate mother.

He believes that it may be acceptable to waste eggs and many spontaneous abortions when you deal with cats or bulls, but cloning is extremely inefficient and dangerous for humans, "he even said, so dog cloning is a business opportunity, and since Dolly the sheep was cloned into a phone call from westminson, people have called to copy their cats, dogs, cattle and horses“ A lot of people want to clone pets, especially when the price is right. "Westhuson cost is not a barrier to the mysterious billionaire. He has already invested million dollars in funding a & M research.

Contrary to some media reports, Missy is not dead, and the owner hopes that after her death, a pair of twins will inherit her fine qualities. According to everyone, this prototype is athletic, good-natured, super smart and doesn't expect her to be a complete replica. He knows that her clone may not have her temperament.

For a stated purpose, Missy's owner and the A & M team said they "look forward to studying the difference between her clone and Missy." in addition to cloning a great dog, this project It may help to understand the ancient question of nature and parenting. However, westhuson is very cautious about his work. He knows that even if he impregnates a dog, its offspring should survive.

He will face the same questions that other cloned animals show at birth: immature lungs, heart and weight. "Why do you want to clone humans?" Weiss "We're not even close to solving this problem in animals," thurson asked.


韦斯特胡森克隆动物的经历让他对xx年来在米西项目上的克隆人言论感到不安,他使用了成百上千的狗卵,A&M团队只生产了十几个携带Missy DNA的胚胎,没有一个在移植给代孕母亲后幸存下来。他认为,当你与猫或公牛打交道时,浪费卵子和许多自发流产的胎儿可能是可以接受的,但对人类来说,克隆是极其低效的,也是危险的,”他甚至说因此,克隆狗是一个商业机会,自从绵羊多利被克隆到威斯图森的电话里,人们打电话希望复制他们的猫狗牛马“很多人想克隆宠物,尤其是价格合适的时候,“韦斯特胡森成本对米西这位神秘的亿万富翁来说并不是什么障碍。他目前已经投入了万美元来资助A&M的研究与一些媒体报道相反,米西还没有死,主人希望在她死后有一对双胞胎继承米西的优良品质。



Cloning or not refers to the problem that advanced technology has pushed human beings to the edge, such as the production of weapons of mass destruction, the destruction of ozone by freon and the application of cloning technology. Whether cloning technology can be applied to human reproduction is a serious problem. To a certain extent, cloning technology is beneficial to human beings.

Diseases such as Parkinson's disease may be cured in the future. It is hoped that further application of cloning technology will bring unimaginable destruction to human beings. Since dolly announced his death, we have become more aware of the low level of cloning The efficiency procedure is related to "Dolly's wrong legacy".

The death rate of fetus and offspring produced by cloning is many times higher than that of natural reproduction, and the mortality rate before and after birth is twice and twice higher than the normal level respectively. You may even say that this technology will become more perfect in the future. I don't think cloning has any significance.

This technology is a promising technology It will bring all human beings to a new era in which all human beings will be completed by cloning. So scientists in some countries have begun their great plans to clone humans, but let's think about the practical value of doing so? You can tell me that it can give hope to infertile couples who might choose a copy of a child rather than accept a doughnut genetic invasion, but imagine if you had a child with the same appearance as you or your husband, would you not hesitate to accept it? Don't you think it's embarrassing? Or if this kind of human reproduction is allowed, terrorists may seize it and copy many "American presidents". Do you not agree that these presidents will bring more chaos to the world in addition to these terrible aspects? Cloning of human beings will certainly destroy the diversity of human beings on earth.

There are still many shortcomings in the application of human and animal cloning. What should we do to ourselves Very cautious, so remember that we must be responsible for all the results we create, so what do you think of it.




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