关于”你眼中的英雄“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The hero in your eyes。以下是关于你眼中的英雄的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:The hero in your eyes
This old Chinese folktale is about a young Chinese girl. She knows that her weak and lame father will be called up to fight against the invading Huns. She knows that she will never be able to stand the severe test of war in her country.
So she decides to disguise herself and join the place he doesn't know. Her ancestors realize this, in order to prevent But when he met Mulan, he knew that she could not dissuade him, so he decided to help her in the dangerous future.
(write an article about your favorite star or hero) why is he / she your favorite person? What can you learn from him / her? You will become a man / woman like him / Hermie's favorite is Yao Ming, because I like watching basketball games, maybe I can't shoot like him, but I still love him. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball players in China, So he can keep him in the NBA, because of his excellent performance, now more and more foreigners begin to notice us, not only basketball, but also many other aspects, because we know that Yao Ming is very high. At the beginning of his NBA career, many people questioned his value and ability, but later, all those who did not trust Yao Ming were silent, because they saw Yao Ming's brilliance in addition, Yao Ming is a kind-hearted person, he donates charities, helps the hungry disabled children, and so on.
Her eyes, you have to polish, remember her appearance, she is eight years six class athletes, she is really very good-looking, in the long jump side she bowed her head smile, I smile to her, in my heart, I wrote her eternal commitment: she, my hero.
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