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关于”课外运动“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Extracurricular sports。以下是关于课外运动的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Extracurricular sports

Whether ninth grade students should take part in extracurricular activities has attracted the attention of many teachers, students and parents. They say that colorful extracurricular activities can help students reduce their learning pressure and make them strong and healthy. Some people disagree because they think that it is a waste of time to participate in extracurricular activities.

If students are tired for a long time, it will affect them Their study. I think it is good for students to participate in extracurricular activities, because it is not only good for their health, but also can help them to recover their spirits and enable them to learn better.




After middle school, I seldom have time to play outside school, because I always have a lot of homework to do. Although my spare time is relatively short, I still insist on extracurricular reading. Many years ago, my Chinese teacher introduced many classic books to us.

I bought them and read them all. I fell in love with these books, and I will immerse myself in the story. Reading these books is very helpful for me When I see the topic, I improve my writing skills, my mind will produce a lot of ideas, I have something to enrich my thesis, I also broaden my vision.




Some students like to take an active part in extracurricular activities. They think that extracurricular activities are an integral part of school life. By participating in these activities, they can learn what they can't learn from books, which is beneficial to them in the future.

They don't like extracurricular activities at all. They think that students' work in school is to learn theoretical knowledge, while participating in extracurricular activities is a waste of treasure Expensive school time, every student should participate in some extracurricular activities, because from these activities we can learn a lot of valuable things that we can not learn in class. School is not only a place to learn the difference between "lies" and "lies", or what leads to the daily schedule.

After class activities expand our circle of acquaintances, and then ordinary learning School work is no substitute for friends in informal activities.




标签: 英文 九年级 作文 真题 年级

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