关于”从事运动“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Engage in sports。以下是关于从事运动的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Engage in sports
Millions of people around the world take part in a variety of sports, perhaps the most popular way to relax, and almost everyone can enjoy it. Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things people do when they are not working. But in fact, sports and games are very valuable, especially for those who spend most of the day working with their brains.
They should not be treated as just sports. Sports and games can exercise our bodies and prevent us from getting fat, Keep our health. They also provide us with valuable exercises to help the eyes, brain and muscles work together in the table tennis game.
The eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass the information to the brain. The brain must decide what to do and send its commands to the muscles of the arms and legs, etc., so that the Bah will be touched and where the players want it to do All this has to be done very quickly, and only those who have done a lot of practice can do it successfully. Sports are also very useful for character training in their courses.
Boys and girls can learn selflessness, bravery, disciples, patriotism and other virtues, but what they learn from books can't have a profound impact on children's character like what they learned through practice. Most students spend their time studying in class, so what they do in their spare time It is very important that they all learn to do their best in the sports field, rather than for themselves. It is natural for them to work for the interests of society and the country.
Doing sports is good for our health, for example, playing basketball and badminton. A bunch of classes always make us tired, so if we do some exercise, we can have a rest, we will learn better, so if we are sick, it will make us healthier, and then we can't study any more. If we do this, we can become strong, so we won't get sick in the hospital.
You know, exercise can help me We make more friends, which will make us more friendly. Generally speaking, exercise is good for us, so now everyone should do sports.
Sports have many advantages. Sports are good for our health. It is very important to keep healthy.
Secondly, sports is an interest. It can make us more brilliant. It can also help us to be more confident.
It also helps us to concentrate more. In a word, we need to make more efforts in sports.
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