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关于”喜欢季节“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Like season。以下是关于喜欢季节的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Like season

My favorite season is summer. I love it because it is always full of sunshine. I like swimming very much in summer.

I can play with my friends and classmates on the beautiful beach. I like summer because I can taste all kinds of delicious ice cream, but sometimes it's very hot, but no matter what, I like summer best.




2:,My favorite season, to be honest, in the four seasons, I like winter, because on the one hand, winter is a beautiful season full of snow, on the other hand, the Spring Festival is in winter, winter means happiness and delicious food, all relatives always unite in this season, which makes me feel warm at last. The most important thing is that I like to be outside when it is cold with my family Playing together reminds me of my real happiness.




3:喜欢季节,Some people like spring flowers, summer, vibrant people like, and some people like winter snow, for me, I love the harvest of autumn, is a beautiful season, although there are many flowers and plants withering, but in the flower withering season, chrysanthemum has a proud bucket of snow, facing the wind, blooming its first bud, swaying petals, delicate beauty, like a girl In the dancing chrysanthemum color, layers of white as snow piled up on the horizon as gorgeous as the sunset, each with charming autumn, maple leaves are beautiful, looking from afar, like a red flame is burning to the brown hillside, adding a touch of gorgeous color, autumn leaves are brown, but pine, cypress, camphor leaves are so green, almost Equal to your eyes in the roaring autumn wind, also added a touch of I love the beauty of autumn.




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