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关于”去购物“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Go shopping。以下是关于去购物的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Go shopping

On my shopping day, I really like shopping. I often go shopping with my friends on weekends. I had a good time last Saturday morning.

I decided to go shopping in the shopping mall with my sister Sally. Then we went to the shopping center by bus. We talked about food on the bus at about 8:15.

When we got to the shopping center, we were very happy to buy a lot of delicious food, such as Chicken, sushi ice cream. I think I had a wonderful weekend. What do you think.




Today, my mother and my brother went to Jimeilong to do some shopping. There were a lot of things in it, including food, drinking and work. I like reading very much.

So I went to the second floor to read books. My mother and my brother bought some vegetables and meat. For about half an hour, we paid for things and went home together.

Today, my mother and I went shopping. There are a lot of things in the supermarket. There are many books on shelf a, toys and balls on shelf B, pens and pencils on shelf C, many fruits on shelf D, clothes on shelf e, I bought a new pen, a toy plane and a football.

My mother bought some fruit, a shirt and some fish. We had a good time today.




Today is sundae and my friend went to the store to buy a skirt. Now I want to buy a skirt. We are in Huaxing clothing store and "look at that black skirt is very beautiful." my friend said, "yes, it is very beautiful, but I don't like this color.".

Then the clerk gave me a pink dress. I like Pinker. I thought the dress was beautiful, so I asked the clerk, "how much is it?", "Yuan" "I'll buy it.

Thank you.".




标签: 初一 作文 万能

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