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关于”生命的轮回“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:circle of life 。以下是关于生命的轮回的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:circle of life

Compared with the universe, our life is really short, like a meter, but the meaning of life does not depend on its length, but on its contribution. For example, Madame Curie, in order to find radium, has devoted her whole life to research. Although the life span of radioactive elements is relatively short, she has never given up her determination to serve the world.

For her story, I have come to the conclusion that the first meaning of life is contribution. The criterion to judge a life is not how much he asks for, but how much he pays; the second meaning of life is to strive for our goal. Each of us has its own goals, such as longing for status, longing for wealth, looking forward to being loved.

However, what is the road to these goals? There is no rose, but no matter how hard it is to realize our dreams, if you really want to realize your dreams, we should never say die. Please keep diligent and patient, just like the English proverb "get something for nothing, irresistible". The third meaning of life is happiness.

We should not only keep happy, but also bring happiness to others. For example, we can have an optimistic attitude, which can affect the people around us. In addition, we should be ready to help others because we can make us and them happy.

I think it is an unchanging truth to help others create happiness. I just want to say that our life is limited, but we can strive to make it shine and believe in it. Although our life is short, we can also achieve success.

If we try our best, our life will be meaningful.






Most species of butterflies also need shelter, although they love sunny open areas, you may need to provide windbreaks to protect them from strong winds. These butterflies often gather at the edge of the puddle. You may have seen it before, and you don't know why butterflies like mud puddles, but people think it might be some minerals in the mud.

If you want to attract a lot of butterflies, you can consider keeping some wet places in the garden.




A lifetime opportunity "this is a lifetime opportunity." when I locked my office door and left my restaurant, I said to my friend Stacy, "living in New York City is every 27 year old woman's dream. In a few months, I'll know if I've got a transfer." I'll miss this place, but living in the big apple is my dream What it takes to be true - "we met a group of friends in a local cafe, and I kept saying that I might move. I watched a handsome man draw the attention of his friends with his charming story.

His broad warm smile and confident manner made me feel uneasy. Stacy nudged me and said, "you're staring at me." "Michelle is going to drool." "Wow," I whispered. I watched the handsome guy lift up the sleeve of his big sweater, and everyone on the table looked at him, "that The man I'm going to marry.

"" yes, "Stacy whispered," tell us where you want to live, new. " York, because when you get the job, we all plan to visit you. "As I speak, my eyes go back to that gentle man." "Three months later, my friends and I gathered in the same restaurant and enjoyed life together." They cheered, we tapped on our glasses, "my life's chance," and we talked for hours, and I told them about my savings plan.

Our friend said, "I have a South African friend who is considering renting one of his four bedrooms. His name is Barry. He's a great man," he scribbled on a napkin: "this is his number.

He's a 42 He said he had too many Busy being a single father and husband "The day I made an appointment to see the house, I approached the entrance to the spacious house and the door opened." you must be Michelle. " He said he lifted up the sleeve of his bulky sweater and showed his handsome smile. It was the man in the restaurant a few months ago - my man "wanted to get married" - and I stood there staring, hoping I didn't drool, "you're Michelle, aren't you?" He said, coaxing me out of a trance, "do you want to see the room?".






标签: 七年级 作文 万能 年级 生命

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