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关于”暑假做兼职“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Part time job in summer vacation。以下是关于暑假做兼职的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Part time job in summer vacation

Nowadays, there are more and more college students taking part-time jobs. Some people think that there are many advantages for college students to do part-time jobs. Part time jobs provide them with opportunities to use the knowledge they have learned in school and show their abilities.

Thirdly, part-time experience may be of great help to their future career. Third, part-time jobs can broaden their college life and help them learn more about themselves and society. However, some people think that doing part-time jobs has more disadvantages.

The main job of college students is learning rather than work. If they have part-time jobs, they may have to reduce the time of sleep, rest, study and activity. Working a few hours a day will consume a lot of time and effort, and may affect their study.

They may find it difficult to adapt to the school to them Finally, they may fall behind or fail in their studies. Students can choose part-time jobs according to their own situation. For them, the most important thing is to keep a good balance between part-time jobs and students.





This summer I just started to do a part-time job in a snack bar. I couldn't do it well at all. I often made mistakes and was in a low mood.

My parents encouraged me. I began to work hard. I could do a very good job.

When I got my salary for the first time, I felt very excited. I decided to find another part-time job in this winter vacation. I believe I can do better next time.




标签: 初三 作文 万能 暑假

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