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关于”传统节日被忽略“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Traditional festivals are ignored。以下是关于传统节日被忽略的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Traditional festivals are ignored

When the traditional festivals come, everyone is very excited because they will have a holiday to relax. The significance of these festivals has always been remembered by the older generation, but some young people do not know when enjoying the festivals. We need to learn more about traditional culture.

A foreign girl took a video asking young Chinese people about the Mid Autumn Festival, which surprised everyone Many people didn't know the story of this big day when I was very young. I watched a lot of TV dramas about the myth of Hou Yi and his wife. I learned a lot of Chinese myths.

Although some people like this festival, they should learn culture. With the development of China's economic strength, more and more foreigners are interested in learning Chinese. Some people are crazy about traditional culture We learn famous ancient poems and novels, and regard great people as idols.

Traditional festivals are an important way to preserve our culture. Culture is a precious treasure of mankind. We are proud of it because it is priceless.




Every September or October, Chinese people all over the world celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. It is said that the Mid Autumn Festival is the biggest and brightest day. The Mid Autumn Festival is very important because it is a special family festival and a special food day, such as mood cake.

All kinds of moon cakes have a traditional atmosphere. Cakes are usually made with bean paste, but now there are many different kinds of moon cakes, including fruits, coffee, chocolate, and even ice cream.





Christmas is an annual festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The date of celebration is traditional and is not considered to be the actual date of Jesus' birth. Christmas celebrations usually combine commemorating the birth of Jesus with various secular customs.

Many festivals are influenced by early winter festivals. In most parts of the world, Christmas is celebrated on Christmas Eve on the day before December. In Britain and many Commonwealth countries, boxing day is the second day, in Catholic countries it is December, and St.

Stephen's day or St. Stephen's Day is December Asia The messianic Apostolic Church celebrates Christmas in January. The Orthodox Church still uses the Julian calendar to celebrate Christmas in December in Julian's version, which is more widely used in the Gregorian calendar month, because these two calendars are now one word a day.

"Christmas" originated from the abbreviation of "Christ mass", which originated from christmase in Medieval England and Cristes in Old English The phrase "m æ SSE" was first recorded in the early Greek versions of the New Testament. The letter Χ (chi is the first letter of Christ since the middle of the fourteenth century), or the similar Roman letter X, "Christmas", is an abbreviation of Christianity. Therefore, "Christmas" is often used as an abbreviation for Christmas.

After the Anglo Saxons settled in England in the early 7th century, Christmas was called geol, the name of the former Christian solstice, from which the English word "Yule" is now derived. Around the Christmas of the th century, after the coronation of Charlemagne, the importance of Christmas gradually increased. The remnants of the Roman tradition of Saturn were transferred to Christmas on December 12.

Christmas in January of the Middle Ages was a public festival, including ivy, Holly and other ivy, as well as gifts. Modern traditions include the display of the Nativity scene, Holly and Christmas trees, the exchange of gifts and cards, and the popular Christmas themes of Santa Claus or Santa Claus on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, including the promotion of friendship and peace.


圣诞节是庆祝耶稣诞生的xx年一度的节日。庆祝的日期是传统的,并不被认为是耶稣的实际出生日期。圣诞节庆典通常将纪念耶稣的诞生与各种世俗习俗相结合,许多节日都受到早期冬季节日的影响在世界上大多数地方,圣诞节是在xx月的前一天庆祝平安夜,在英国和许多英联邦国家,节礼日是第二天,在天主教国家是xx月,圣斯蒂芬节或圣斯蒂芬节是xx月亚美尼亚使徒教会在xx月庆祝圣诞节东正教教会仍然使用儒略历在朱利安版本的xx月庆祝圣诞节,这是更广泛使用的公历xx月,因为这两个历法现在是一天一个字“Christmas”起源于“基督弥撒”的缩略词,它源于中世纪英国的Christemasse和古英语的Cristes mæsse,这一短语最早记录在《新约》的早期希腊版本中,字母Χ(chi是自十四世纪中叶以来基督的第一个字母(Χριστός),或类似的罗马字母X“圣诞节”是基督教的缩写。




标签: 初一 高分 作文 传统 节日

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