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关于”礼貌的作用“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The role of politeness。以下是关于礼貌的作用的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The role of politeness

Water is very important to us. If you don't have water for three days, you will die. We can use water to water flowers, swim, wash clothes and many different things.

We use it for cooking, generating electricity, extinguishing fire, etc. we use millions of liters of water every day. Do you know how water gets to your home? Does it come in through pipes? They're long and wide, but some are short and narrow, and then the water goes through the pipes to the reservoirs, and then through the pipes to the rivers, and then to the specialized water purification plants.

When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don't leave rubbish in the water we use and keep the water clean.




Sneezing and spitting are very important to the happy relationship between people. No one likes impolite people. A polite person never laughs at others when he is in trouble.

On the contrary, when he asks for what he says, he will try his best to help. When he receives something he always says thank you, he doesn't interrupt others. When they speak, he doesn't say it aloud in public Talking or laughing loudly when he sneezes or spits, it is impolite for him to be late with a handkerchief as a suture.

If you are late, you should say sorry to the teacher in class or after class.




One day, bill and Tom went to a restaurant for dinner. As soon as the waiter took out two steaks, bill quickly picked a bigger one for himself. Tom's not happy when you're going to learn to be polite, bill.

If you had a chance to choose first, which one would you pick for Tom? Of course, bill, what are you complaining about? So the small one is what you want, right.




标签: 高三 英文 作文 真题 作用

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