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关于”说明选择重要的素材“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Explain the selection of important materials。以下是关于说明选择重要的素材的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Explain the selection of important materials

One of the most important problems faced by a young man is to decide what to do. Of course, some people know from the age of six that they want to be doctors, pilots, or firefighters, but most of us don't make a career or career decision until someone or something forces us to face the problem that it takes time to choose a career. When you decide what you want to do, you need to consider a lot of things, and you may find that you have to attend In most schools, you can ask many people for advice and help.

When you make a decision, a qualified teacher will give you detailed job qualification information. You can discuss you with your family and friends They are always willing to listen and make suggestions.




A person's life is like building a wall, the higher the ultimate beauty of life. From the most recent wise man, he knows his high threshold and makes his life outstanding. He often goes to the fishing ground in the new territories.

But one morning in winter, when the leather business landed, he often went to the fishing ground in the new territories.




As a child, we always want to grow up and make choices. It's natural for us to pursue freedom. But when we make a choice, we need to pay some price for independence.

We need to be responsible for the results of last week. My mother needs to see her friends, so she asked me to take care of the house. I said yes, I played computer games all morning.

I suddenly thought of the cat. It was Feeding is needed. I forgot to ask my mother how to feed it.

Because my mother bought food, I never paid attention to how to do it. So I decided to bring some at home in the afternoon. She was shocked.

The cat ate the wrong food. Fortunately, everything was OK in the end. I was very disappointed with myself and promised to take responsibility.




标签: 作文 万能 专业 素材

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