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关于”东西方文化差异“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Cultural differences between East and West。以下是关于东西方文化差异的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cultural differences between East and West

Therefore, according to the education in different regions, people's lives are affected by different cultures. Social and work experience take the cultural differences between the East and the West as an example. China is a country with a high power distance, while the United States bears a slow power distance.

Status symbol is very important to Chinese people, and it is natural to have privileges, but Americans think they are all equal. What's more, Westerners are individualistic, while easterners are more collectivist in individualistic society. People pay attention to their own values and needs.

In collectivist countries, people rely on individual efforts to serve their own interests, combine themselves into one or several communities, find their own position in the group, and rely on the community spiritually. Therefore, in these countries, people should pay attention to their own values and needs Harmony seems to be very important. There are three main differences between the East and the West: Uncertainty Avoidance Index, masculinity and femininity, long-term orientation and short-term orientation.




The huge difference between the East and the west is huge. I have to say that according to my experience as a project assistant, this first makes meeed very painful. Westerners always take everything that we (Chinese) say or we talk about seriously.

If the Chinese don't pour cold water on them, they may carry out it, while the Chinese may think and discuss again and again I'm almost crazy that Fang people will do this. Westerners tend to do some large-scale things, as if they dare to take greater risks than the Chinese people, while the Chinese may consider withdrawing first. They seem to be fearless and go straight ahead.

I believe this also brings many mistakes to Westerners and Chinese people. Unfortunately, my work is so harsh All in all, there are great differences between the East and the West and their people in many aspects, especially in how they communicate and do things. We must believe that with more and more cross-cultural exchanges taking place every day, we may find a greater comfort zone and we will renew communication and cooperation.




My dream is to study abroad in the future. I can always realize that kind of life very quickly. But before I realize my dream, I must make some preparations.

I think the first thing I have to do is to adapt to the life there. It is said that if I don't know anything, there are great differences between eastern and Western cultures. For me, cultural conflict is very easy.

It will put me in an awkward situation. For example, dragon is the leader of all animals. In China, it has the meaning of sacred good, but in western countries it means violence.

I need to learn as much as possible about cultural conflicts to make my life overseas easier.




标签: 初中 英文 作文 差异 文化

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