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关于”鸭血粉丝汤做法“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Duck blood vermicelli soup。以下是关于鸭血粉丝汤做法的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Duck blood vermicelli soup

With the development of the Internet, the younger generation is more and more dependent on the Internet. They make friends and exchange information through the Internet to provide convenience for people to pursue what they want. Some crazy fans form a huge group to support their idols, which is considered to be a popular male idol card recently in the fan market Actually had a relationship with a girl.

Fans made a lot of bad comments in two hours. Then the Internet became crowded and most of the girls were heartbroken. They were very angry.

The idols admitted that they had spent so much money on him. He had the responsibility to keep his single image. Now, fans will be a huge group just to support their idols, such as buying albums Or order a whole movie to win the box office for their idols.

No matter where the idols are performed, they will come to the scene in groups, and the businesses will make huge profits from the fans' marketing, which will be an important way to support the idols.




It is difficult to make soup at home. Koto has some difficulties in making that kind of flavor in the hotel. It is more appropriate to use some home-made methods: knead the shark's fin cake with water bubble, knead it, put them in a small basket, drain the water, put the shark fin cake into the pot, boil it for a few minutes, pour the soup, boil the water for a few minutes, and then drain out the material: shark's fin G, chicken breast meat, seasoning a (ginger juice, starch, soup, small salt / tender bamboo shoots of dried mushroom (water method), very light blue ginger, soup cup, salt 1 / 2 soup, soy sauce soup stone soup, cooking wine, pepper, a little starch, a little sesame oil, vegetable oil, tbsp vinegar, a little practice: shark's fin with water, steam until cooked, shredded chicken, dipped with mushrooms, shredded bamboo shoots, add Stir fry scallion and ginger, add mushrooms and bamboo shoots, stir fry until fragrant, pour wine, cook shark fin into the pot, add salt, soy sauce, add chicken, cook for a few minutes, sprinkle with pepper, mix thick soup, sprinkle with sesame oil, seasoning, put a little vinegar.




Lotus blood duck is one of the most representative dishes in Hehua County, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province. Lotus is a special product. When it comes to Lotus blood, you must eat duck meat.

You can't eat less of it on the table every year. Because its meat is very tender, and its taste is most popular among adults and children. This is the most unforgettable taste in our family every time I go home.

How about the blood duck I eat for a few days It is not greasy to eat duck blood lotus. The ingredients to be prepared (a small bowl of duck, lotus tea, lotus root rice wine, garlic, ginger and a little pepper) should be prepared. Before frying, garlic, ginger and red pepper should be put into the pot and fried until it has the taste of chopped duck.

The most important thing is that the time required is the longest. You need to continue to use the spatula to add proper amount of salt into the fried duck water, and then stir and fry the water After drying, add lotus root fragrant rice and duck blood, and then fry a few mouthfuls of fragrant lotus duck blood, you can fry it here. You will feel like drooling at a glance.

Many peppers are more and more you want to eat.




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