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Britain, as an industrial and maritime power in the century, played a leading role in the development of parliamentary democracy and the heyday of literary science. The British Empire covered a quarter of the earth's surface in the first half of the century. Britain's strength was seriously depleted in the two world wars, and the Empire was disintegrated in the second half of the century.

As one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, Britain was rebuilt into a modern one As a founding member of NATO and the Commonwealth, Britain pursues a global foreign policy. It is weighing the degree of integration with the European continent. It chooses to stay outside the economic and monetary union temporarily.

Constitutional reform is also an important issue for Britain. The Scottish Parliament, the Welsh National Assembly and the Northern Ireland Parliament were founded in, but The latter was suspended because of disputes over the peace process.




Kate Winslet won two awards for her role in different films; British actors and filmmakers won the golden globe of the year award in Los Angeles, winning in various categories, including the best feature film of Slumdog Millionaire; British director Denny Boyles' warm hearted man and Slumdog Millionaire won four awards What's more remarkable is that movie star Dave Patel has never performed in a movie before, and the Golden Globe is widely regarded as a symbol of the success of the Academy Awards. Patel now hopes that the film will win the Oscar nomination. In an interview with the BBC, he said winning the Oscar nomination was "too exciting", "it's so cool to be part of a hot topic," he added, adding that awards ceremonies are always emotional occasions, and British actress Kate Winslet didn't disappoint when she won best actress in the film revolutionary road and best actress in the reader She was in tears at the supporting role award.

Winslet paid tribute to her "revolutionary road" partner, Leonardo DiCaprio, who co starred with Leonardo DiCaprio in the film Titanic, describing him as "spectacular" and telling him that she loved him with all her heart; British director Christopher Nolan, who directed the Batman film the dark knight, died on behalf of the late Heath ledger After the supporting actor award, Nolan played the clown in the film, but died of an accidental overdose of prescription drugs before the release. Nolan told the audience that ledger would "always miss but never forget," adding that in "ledgers." Each of the winners of the award is "a terrible mixture of sad and unbelievable pride, a terrible mixture of sadness and incredible pride" triumph.


凯特·温丝莱特因在不同电影中的角色而获得两个奖项;英国演员和电影制作人在洛杉矶的年度金球奖中获胜,在多个类别中获奖,包括电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》的最佳电影剧情片;英国导演丹尼·博伊尔斯《暖心人》,《贫民窟的百万富翁》一共获得了四个奖项,这一成就更加引人注目的是,电影明星戴夫·帕特尔之前从未在电影中表演过,金球奖被广泛视为奥斯卡奖成功的标志,帕特尔现在希望这部电影能获得奥斯卡提名。他在接受BBC采访时说,获得奥斯卡提名“太令人兴奋了”,“能成为热门话题的一部分太酷了,感觉真好,”他补充说,颁奖典礼总是充满情感的场合,英国女演员凯特·温丝莱特没有让人失望,爆发当她获得电影《革命之路》的最佳女主角和《读者》中的最佳女配角奖时,她泪流满面。温丝莱特向她的《革命之路》的搭档莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥致敬,她与莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥一起出演了电影《泰坦尼克号》,形容他“壮观”,并告诉他她全心全意地爱他;执导蝙蝠侠电影《黑暗骑士》的英国导演克里斯托弗·诺兰代表已故的希斯·莱杰接受了死后的男配角奖,诺兰在影片中饰演小丑,但在上映前死于意外的处方药过量,诺兰告诉观众莱杰将“永远怀念但永远不会忘记”,补充说明,在《Ledgers name》中接受该奖项的每一位获奖者都是以“一种既悲伤又令人难以置信的自豪的可怕混合悲伤又令人难以置信的自豪” 凯旋 戏剧 奥斯卡 ;提名 嗡嗡声 突然爆发眼泪 致敬。


In Britain, children always go to school when they are five or six years old and finish ninth grade. Some of them go to high school for further study. Some of them go to vocational schools to learn some practical skills.

Vocational schools are much more interesting than high schools. Because there are many different courses in schools, such as machinery, electronics, transportation, computer programming, nursing, accounting and so on, vocational school students usually go to school They have classes in the morning and practice outside the school in the afternoon. Some of them work as cashiers in shops, some as waiters or waitresses in restaurants, some as guides to take tourists around the city, and sometimes they go to factories.

Old workers often teach them how to operate machines. Most of them work hard. They will get some work experience after graduation, so they will have more chances to find a good job.




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