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关于”我是一个性格内向的人用“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:I am an introvert。以下是关于我是一个性格内向的人用的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I am an introvert

Lazy people often like to make friends, while those who make friends often encounter students who fail and draw. Schools will waste farmers' money, paddy fields will become wasteland for workers, and they will not go to work. They will go from a family to starvation in a short time.

However, lazy friends will have bad consequences. There are not many people who are industrious and have few friends. Why should they work for this industry? It is not welcomed by most people But do this thing and friends, for your strong help, whether it is migrant workers, students, turn it in, will make you successful and happy.




2:我是个内向的人,Dear (), I'm sorry to hear that you have problems in school, but you don't have to worry. You are very smart. I believe that if you follow my advice, you will do well.

I think you should talk to your friends more about your problems. Don't try to do anything yourself. You can also tell your parents or your teachers that you need something.

Finally, you should take part in some interesting activities after class to help yourself,.




3:我是一个性格内向的人用,This is my curved eyebrows, like crescent moon, like wearing a ponytail, big mouth, forming a fan nickname is: carrots eat, there are carrots, I pull radish to eat a meal on nothing, students call me carrots, my temper, temper often give students this is a game of chess, students say I throw is I say I throw to temper, students dare not play with me I'm afraid my hobby is cutting, cutting too many patterns, ducks, fish, butterflies until the school students see this is me.




标签: 初三 英文 作文 真题 性格

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