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关于”如何看待中西方价值观的差异“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to view the differences between Chinese and Western values。以下是关于如何看待中西方价值观的差异的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to view the differences between Chinese and Western values

Nothing in the world is absolute, everything is relative, and cultural differences are no exception. As the general mode of human behavior and its products, culture has surpassed geographical boundaries and historical conditions in many aspects. With the development of global economy and the rapid and convenient modern communication, transportation and mass media, cultural exchanges have become increasingly frequent, unprecedented in scale, scope and speed, and universal in culture It is an inevitable trend to strengthen sex and reduce cultural differences.

It is not surprising to see that a unique phenomenon exists in another culture. Therefore, some people even worry that when the behavior of all different nationalities is completely inconsistent, the world will become boring, the cultural accumulation formed over a long period of time is not easy to remove, the cultural tradition handed down from generation to generation has strong consistency and continuity, and the culture of different regions and different nationalities still has its uniqueness. Therefore, the research is different under the background of universality and universality The main differences between Chinese and Western cultures can be expressed by linearity and circularity.

Western culture is a general term here. Put aside its internal regional differences and compare it with Chinese culture, a circle is a circle, and a line is a long and narrow continuous mark. The comparison between the linearization of western culture and the circulation of Chinese culture is reflected in the world outlook, core values, time outlook and thinking mode.





2:,^^Table manners the main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that different from the west, in the west, everyone has his own dish. In China, the dishes are put on the table and everyone shares them. If you are treated by a Chinese host and have a lot of food prepared, Chinese people are very proud of their cooking culture and will do it.

They'd better show them Sometimes the Chinese host will put the food in your bowl or plate with chopsticks, which is a polite expression. The proper way to do this is to say what you eat and how delicious it is. If you feel uncomfortable about it, you can politely say thank you and leave the food there.

Don't stick your chopsticks upright in your bowl, but put them on your plate. This is because when someone dies, there is a bowl of sand or rice in the shrine dedicated to them, and there are two sticks of incense in it. So if you put your chopsticks in your bowl, it looks like this shrine, which is equivalent to praying for a person to die on the table.

Make sure that the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to put the teapot where the spout is facing someone. The spout should always point to the place where no one is sitting.

Usually, it is just outside the dining table. Don't beat the bowls with chopsticks and beat eggs on their bowls, so it's impolite. In restaurants, when food comes too slowly, if you are in someone else's house, people will knock on their bowls, which is like insulting a cook to drink a toast.





3:如何看待中西方价值观的差异,In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and trouble, there are some cultural differences between China and the West. First of all, Chinese people's concept of privacy is relatively weak, and people rely on their own groups to take care of each other. Therefore, Chinese people are often very willing to understand the rise and fall of others, and others are willing to share.

However, for example, it is not allowed for westerners to invade personal privacy. For example, when we meet for the first time, we will ask ourselves about our age, marital status, children, occupation, income, etc However, in the west, it is regarded as a violation of their right of privacy. Westerners believe that time is money, so they cherish time in their lives.

They often make careful plans at a fixed time. They have the good habit of going to an appointment on time. However, Chinese don't pay much attention to time.

Westerners often feel uneasy about time, and most Chinese are willing to communicate with others Modesty, we often praise others and belittle ourselves. We think modesty is a virtue. For example, when we are praised, we often say, "no, I'm not.

I just did what I should do. But under the same circumstances, Westerners always say you accept it. So we always think that Westerners are confident and proud.

When we hear Chinese people deny their praise, Westerners will be surprised that the Chinese are dishonest. Finally, the fine tradition of hospitality of the Chinese nation is well known in social occasions. Chinese people often toast and smoke each other.

Even if they are full of delicious food, the host will always say a few words, such as "please eat with me". Sometimes the host will use chopsticks to carry food to the guests' bowl and persuade them to drink more water instead of biting. However, in western countries, people respect personal rights and privacy, so they will not use various means to persuade guests to drink.

So far, you do not need to do so.





标签: 英文 高分 七年级 作文 差异

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