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关于”表观点“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Table view。以下是关于表观点的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Table view

Hello, Jim, my dear, this Sunday, I'd like to invite you to the seaside barbecue with my father, mother, sister and grandmother. Because my sister is from America, you want to come back to play a play and get together, so I invited you to come with us. We agreed on my leg at seven o'clock on Sunday morning.

Note: you need to bring an umbrella, map, telescope, Camera, I hope we have a happy weekend. Love you, Tom.




2:表视图,In terms of the development of tourism, with the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, thousands of foreign tourists have poured into China. First of all, tourism has brought a lot of benefits to China. It enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world and promote borrowing and understanding.

Secondly, it is economically conducive to China's modernization and needs more foreign exchange, but there are also some problems in the tourism industry, There are many uncivilized phenomena in attracting tourists. Due to the serious heritage damage caused by overcrowding, some tourists spit everywhere, which also brings a burden to our inefficient transportation system. In addition, the living standard of ordinary Chinese is still not high, and they can not afford all kinds of expenses for long-distance travel.

Therefore, with the development of China's national economy, these problems will be solved gradually, and a better and brighter future awaits us.




3:表观点,Recently, the timetable of China's richest man has been exposed by the media as a rich group. They seem to be so mysterious to the public. What they have done has always attracted the media.

The public are very surprised by this timetable, which proves that there is no pain and no profit. On the schedule, the man got up at four o'clock, which would never happen to an ordinary person. After eating a simple breakfast, he worked out for an hour, then flew to Spain and signed a contract worth more than one billion dollars.

It took him only one morning to complete. He spent the whole afternoon flying to five cities in China, until he came to the office to continue working in the afternoon On an amazing day, his journey never stops. When other people come home from work, he is still working.

People complain that there is no chance to make a difference, but the fact is that they are waiting instead of creating opportunities. Only hard work can bring about the results we want.




标签: 八年级 作文 真题 年级

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