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关于”人或物“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Person or thing。以下是关于人或物的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Person or thing

I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is very beautiful.

My classmates and I love her very much. She is very smart, although she is smarter than me, I study harder than her, my grades are always better than her. She is a versatile person.

She can play basketball, football, Tennessee, guitar and piano, but I can only learn from her. I think I should follow his example.





2:,Uffoufoufoufoufoufoufoufoufoufoufo = = ufo-ufoufoufo UFO phenomenon is the most exciting, richest and far-reaching UFO phenomenon in this century. It seems that it is an unnatural event, and it is very likely to be the prelude to the revolution of modern physics, because the history of important discoveries in physics often starts from the observation of the sky, and the UFO phenomenon may also be related to the intelligence of extraterrestrial planets It is undoubtedly a great challenge for human wisdom and today's science and technology that modern science and technology transcend all aspects. If UFOs really ride on the ride of aliens, and aliens really contact the earth, it will have a comprehensive impact on the universe picture, scientific system, mode of thinking and ethics and moral philosophy of earth civilization Research is likely to lead to a new leap in human civilization, but at present, the research on UFO has been hovering at a low level.

This is not only because of the lack of information and data related to UFO, but more importantly, there are some misunderstandings about the existence of UFOs. One of the most typical concepts is "UFO = UFO = alien", which may lead to UFO research In order to explain the cause of motion, Newton's creation at the expense of the "first driving force" theory will be the second time that he has spent most of his energy on the profound mystery of theology. Today's UFO research faces the same situation: he does not understand the magic of the phenomenon of flying objects, simply pushes it to aliens, and thinks that aliens are more than gods It is even more elusive, which will make the UFO research tend to be superficial and even a mysterious hole, so that it can not be a real science, and can not be presented and accepted as a strict science.

This has the profound significance of the disproportion of UFO and its research. It is necessary to study UFO and its depth, UFO and its research from the height of philosophy Research and establish a correct understanding, and then find out the correct research direction.




3:人或物,Books are our best company. They have always been, and will never change. A book is often the best treasure in life.

It brings us into the best society, brings us the great palace of thought and the decay of statues. But when I feel sad, the book still exists. I will turn to books to release my sorrow and pain.

Books often give me comfort. Some people say they don't have time to read, but I think they may not be able to settle down. They may have wasted their precious things and their greatest company.

I'm glad that I continue to make reading my greatest interest. I will benefit from books and have a bright future. The value of reading is often said that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world, but I don't So in my opinion, reading is more valuable than anything else.

The old saying "opening a book is beneficial" clearly tells us how good reading is. Books are our friends. They introduce us all kinds of knowledge and guide us on the road to success.

Books are our teachers. They teach us truth, science and literature. In addition, they increase our knowledge, expand our experience, strengthen our character, and do many things that we can't do without them.

Books tell us what is good and what is evil. Only books can tell the good from the bad. Therefore, reading more is the best strategy for our young students' football.

It has become a part of people's life. Men's football matches are held everywhere in the world. Pick up the newspaper and you can learn about the results of football matches.

We love playing football, watching football during the world cup after work. When their favorite team wins, millions of people watch the game on TV. When they fail, they give them three cheers.

They feel sad. We all hope our national team will be the best in the world.





标签: 初中 作文 万能

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