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关于”介绍水瓶座“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Introduction to Aquarius。以下是关于介绍水瓶座的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Aquarius

Vienna (German: Wien) Vienna, the capital of Austria, pointed out in the latest issue of the world's most livable city report in August that Vienna is the most livable city in the world, ranking the second largest cultural city in the world. With the reputation of "music", many musicians spend most of their career in this area, because of museums and their Calligraphy and music creation have exquisite buildings with different styles, and have won the title of "capital of architecture". In history, the Vienna New Year Concert, known as the "capital of culture" and "city of decoration", has become an international music festival in the Austrian Alps.

At the north foot of the northeast foot of the Vienna basin, surrounded by mountains, the sparkling Danube River passes through the city Surrounded by the famous Vienna forest, covering an area of square kilometers and a population of 10000, the statuette of John strausson, accounting for one fifth of the national population, is the railway hub from Western Europe to the Balkans. The port of the Danube River in Vienna is the first city through which the Danube River flows. It is known as the goddess of the Danube River.

It also holds open-air concerts in summer to bring fun to every family What's more interesting about playing classical music is that one should also be played at government meetings.




2:水瓶座导论,Leo's parents Leo's parents Leo's parents from July to August are both very good parents. Leo's mother is particularly successful. She is a bit too bossy and bossy, but her love is so sincere that her children soon realize its power, and she is very ambitious and tries to gain all possible advantages for them.

Maybe Leo's father and dad The biggest drawback of mothers is that they want to rule the family as a kingdom. Either the ruler demands too much attention, or suppresses the children with attention, making them rely too much on the advantages they have gained in the family - which is beyond doubt - generosity and quality. In Leo's love for children, the emotional response of children in the zodiac and the zodiac is the first Of.




3:介绍水瓶座,Cancer parents cancer people have been described as the incarnation of their mother from June to July. These people do love children and make a fuss about them, but they are not always wise in raising children. The cancer father is demanding, critical, and supervises their children until they become nervous.

The self-conscious cancer mother dotes on them until they become naughty. Then she blames them for being too strict. She is a hot tempered woman who can hardly control her emotions.

Therefore, her discipline is too strict. She is a parent who is both too easy and too difficult for children to control Knowing what will happen, and soon learning that there is little justice in his or her young life, these parents give a lot of love, but their attitude is not enough to guide their children reasonably. Although they are very loyal parents, their atmosphere is too hysterical to achieve full success.




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