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Steve Jobs, the former CEO of apple, has been dead for many years, but he continues his classic speech at Stanford University to inspire the younger generation to move on. He points out that young people should always be hungry and stupid, that is to say, people will never be satisfied with the status quo and be curious about things, so that they can continue to look Steve never graduated from college. He dropped out of school, and then he focused on the computers he built.

He started his own company. Later, he was fired and started an animation studio, which later saved Apple's stay hunter. Stay study helped Steve succeed.


苹果公司前首席执行官是史蒂夫·乔布斯,虽然他已经去世多年了,但他仍在继续他在斯坦福大学发表的经典演讲激励年轻一代继续前进他指出年轻人应该永远保持饥饿,保持愚蠢,也就是说,人们永远不会满足于现状,对事物充满好奇,这样他们就有了继续寻找的动力史蒂夫从未大学毕业,他退学了,然后把注意力集中在他制造的电脑上,然后创办了自己的公司,后来他被炒鱿鱼,转而创建了动画工作室,这后来拯救了苹果公司Stay Hunger,Stay Study Study帮助史蒂夫获得了成功。


A few years ago, when we lived in the countryside, we fed the sow. Sow means sow. Sow means sow is big enough to give birth to piglets every year.

The sow will have a litter of piglets. I remember that once the litter size reaches the number of piglets, the piglets are hungry every day. They are biting their mother's nipples and sucking milk.




A young mother thought it was very wrong to waste any food because one night there were so many hungry people in the world that she was giving her little daughter tea before she put her to bed. She gave her a piece of fresh black bread and butter, but the child said she didn't want to. She asked for jam on her bread.

Well, her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said, "when I was a little girl like you, Lucy always gave me bread and butter, or bread and jam, but never butter, bread and butter, and Jim Lucy looked at her mother for a moment, His eyes were full of pity, and then he said to her kindly, are you not happy that you are coming to live with us now.


一位年轻的母亲认为浪费任何食物是非常错误的,因为有一天晚上,世界上有那么多饥饿的人,她正在给她的小女儿喝茶,然后才让她上床睡觉。她给了她一片新鲜的黑面包和黄油,但孩子说她不想这样,她要求在她的面包上加些果酱嗯,她的母亲看了她几秒钟,然后说,当我还是你这样的小女孩时,露西,总是给我面包和黄油,或者面包和果酱,但从来没有黄油面包和黄油和杰姆露西看着她母亲一会儿,眼中充满怜悯,然后和蔼地对她说,你现在来和我们一起住,你不高兴吗      。


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