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关于”生病领悟“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Sick understanding。以下是关于生病领悟的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sick understanding

Title: learn to be independent. We are more advanced than any other animal. We can cook, we can drive, we can use TV.

We have many skills. But we are not so independent when we are born. We must learn independent skills.

The most important thing is to learn to speak and walk. If we can't speak, we can't communicate We can't be independent. We must learn to speak as soon as possible.

I don't remember when I could talk. My mother told me that I could talk when I was half and a half years old. The first word I said was Mom.

When the word came out of my mouth, she was very happy. Then she taught me more words. Then I could tell them that I was hungry and I was not happy, so I think this is the first thing I learned to be independent.

If we can't walk, we can't leave our mother's embrace, so learning to walk is also very important for us. We need to be independent. Then I have to learn to read and learn to do things by myself.

I am more and more independent. Everyone should be independent. We can do this by learning skills.





Li Hua's father works in another city, so Li Hua has to take care of his sick mother after school. But Li Hua had an accident yesterday and broke his leg. The doctor advised him to stay at home for two weeks, because Li Hua could not go to school.

I would visit him every day after school and introduce the school curriculum to him to ensure that he could catch up with the class. At the same time, I would help him with the housework, because Li Hua's mother was also ill.




It's not easy to watch with 3D glasses and your own glasses. I hope I have a longer and more prominent nose to hold two glasses. D I may learn a new language in a few months.

I actually thought I understood the language in the first hour of watching a movie. What about compulsory learning of Navi for secret service personnel.




标签: 七年级 作文 真题 年级

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