Tony Blair, the son of a barrister and lecturer, was born in Edinburgh, but spent most of his childhood in duhama. He returned to Edinburgh to complete his studies at Fitz college. He studied law at Oxford University and became a barrister himself after failing to represent the Labour Party in a by election.
In the general election, the old Tony Blair rose rapidly in Sedgefield's seat. In, he was first promoted to the front seat of the shadow finance ministry, and then served as a trade and industry spokesman. Before being elected to the shadow cabinet, he was appointed as able Shadow Secretary of state at source.
After the election, he entered the employment briefing, and new leader John Smith promoted Blair to Secretary of the shadow house. In this position, Blair made a promise that the labor party would crack down on crime. John Smith, who was tough on the causes of crime, died unexpectedly.
In the subsequent leadership election, Tony Blair won the support of the majority of the party.
Then the old man came into his room. The smell of wine reminded him of the accident. He looked up at the wall and found that the flies were there again.
He walked cautiously to the fly. He heard a loud noise. He patted it hard.
The good maid was surprised. The poor old man sat on the ground. He clenched his teeth and his right hand bled.
What is leadership? It's hard to define their qualities, but it's not hard to identify leaders who don't force others to follow them, but take them with them. Leaders gain the commitment of others through their own commitment and by creating an environment that encourages creativity. Through honest and fair operation, excellent leaders are not "lone Rangers".
They realize that the success strategy of an organization requires the common talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst to turn these talents into achievements. Successful leaders are emotional and intellectual They want to move forward, create new leaders, provide answers and directions, provide strength and dedication, speak from experience and understanding of the problems they face and the people they work with) Leaders are flexible, not dogmatic.
They believe in unity rather than submission. They strive to reach an agreement in conflict. Leadership is to make people consistently do what they can to help them to realize their potential and motivate them to work towards a common good leader when they are considered to be a good leader, an effective leader, and a respectful one You have to show respect for the important people, so that a leader can respect other people and their work at all levels of an organization.
They do so. For their abilities, wishes and needs, they will find that respect is rewarded and all relevant people are motivated to work together.
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