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关于”生活于乡村的好处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The benefits of living in the country。以下是关于生活于乡村的好处的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of living in the country

City life and rural life have their own advantages and disadvantages. It's hard to say which is better. First of all, city life has many advantages.

You can taste all kinds of delicious food at home and abroad. Secondly, there are more cultural activities. In the future, you can go to music clubs, theaters, movies or Diba.

However, there are many problems in urban life, such as population Too crowded, traffic problems, industrial pollution, and due to the lack of understanding between people and produce a variety of diseases and misfortune. Living in the countryside, you will see the magnificent sunrise and sunset and the singing of birds in the forest. As long as you like, you can have an extremely luxurious green space in the city to be a small garden of the city.

You may wonder why you are busy and feel lost You may wonder whether you become depressed and panic in the countryside for yourself at work. You don't have to worry about the spring harvest. Year after year, you enjoy the fun of farming.

However, the rural life is not satisfactory and things are developing slowly. Sometimes you think that in a remote corner of the world, far behind the times, you will miss the party, friends and electricity in the city Movie people are always like this. The best way to meet them is to enjoy the different fun of two kinds of life and forget the inconvenience of two kinds of life.




Asker's best answer I strongly recommend living in the country yes, living in the city is convenient, but there are health benefits in the country, many people do not always consider that recent studies have shown that heart problems and complications are directly related to living in a crowded city. Rural stress and pollution in the city has no health risk. It will seriously affect and damage your heart.

Dangerous In Japan, smaller communities have better relations with each other. Japan is built on small communities. Japanese people live longer than any other group in the world.

Many scientists believe that long-lived Japanese are closely related to each other Connected communities are linked, and that's why I live in the countryside or in the mountains, rather than in big cities like New York or London.




Well, the benefits of living in the city are wonderful. We all know that the world is changing so fast that we can get any information we want in the city, from advertising, radio, news and so on, and we can taste international food without having to go abroad, watch movies, bungee jumping from skyscrapers and so on.




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