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Despite the rapid development of economy and technology, our environment has been seriously polluted. This is mainly because there is a lot of rubbish. The reasons why we have more and more garbage are: first, the number of people who produce garbage is increasing; second, we don't have enough space to dump the third kind of garbage.

A lot of garbage can be reused instead of being thrown away by people. First of all, we can reduce the amount of garbage in several ways. We should let the public receive re education, let them know that garbage pollutes our environment and harms our health.

We suggest that our government formulate strict laws to crack down on litters.





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The moon is likely to become the industrial center of the solar system, providing rocket fuel for its spacecraft, which can be obtained in the form of liquid oxygen from lunar rocks. It's because of its gravity, because the mass of the moon is only 80% of the earth's mass, and the energy required to travel 250, 000 miles from the earth is reduced by percent. The orbit from the moon to the earth is more amazing than entering orbit from the earth's surface, which sounds amazing, but it's easy to calculate that a rocket must escape the earth at a speed of seven miles per second from the moon, and the equivalent speed is only miles per second because of the lunar surface The gravity of the surface is only one sixth of that of the earth.

Apollo astronauts can easily jump along it and accelerate to miles per second. It takes much less energy than on earth. The cost for lunar residents to fly in space is only Arthur, a cousin on earth Cclark once suggested that a revolutionary idea go through three stages: "it's impossible." don't waste my time.

"It's possible, but it's not worth it." I said it's always been God's idea. "The idea of colonizing Mars in a world farther than the moon will move decisively from the second stage to the third stage, when a considerable number of people live permanently in space The star has an extraordinary attraction to travelers. The United States, Russia and Europe are full of enthusiastic people, many of whom are serious senior scientists.

Their dream is to send people there. Their purpose is understandable. This is the most earth like world in the solar system.

It is a world of red desert. Therefore, its name is the cloudless sky of red planet, the savage sandstorm Crevasses larger than the Grand Canyon and at least a mountain more than twice as high as Mount Everest seem to be ideal settlements.


月球很可能成为太阳系的工业中心,为它的飞船提供火箭燃料,这种燃料可以从月球岩石中以液态氧的形式获得。原因在于它的引力,因为月球的质量只有地球的80%,在距离地球25万英里的地方行驶所需的能量减少了%从月球到地球的轨道比从地球表面进入轨道这听起来很神奇,但很容易计算出用火箭逃离地球必须以每秒7英里的速度从月球上相当的速度只有每秒英里因为月球表面的引力只有地球的六分之一阿波罗号上的宇航员很容易沿着它跳跃,加速到每秒英里所需的能量比在地球上要少得多,月球居民能够在太空中飞行的成本只有地球上堂兄弟阿瑟·查拉克(Arthur CClark)曾建议一个革命性的想法要经过三个阶段:“这是不可能的”不要浪费我的时间“这是有可能的,但不值得去做”我说这一直是上帝的想法“在一个比月球更远的世界上殖民火星的想法将果断地从第二阶段移动到第三阶段当相当多的人永久居住在太空中时火星对旅行者有着非凡的吸引力美国、俄罗斯和欧洲到处都是热心人,其中许多是认真的资深科学家,他们的梦想是把人们送到那里他们的目的是可以理解的这是太阳系中最像地球的一个世界它是一个红色沙漠的世界因此它的名字是红色星球无云的天空野蛮的沙尘暴裂缝比大峡谷和至少一座比珠穆朗玛峰高两倍多的山似乎是理想的定居地。


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