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关于”邀请信“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:invitation letter。以下是关于邀请信的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:invitation letter

Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to invite you to attend an English lecture on American bogeyan, which will be held in the lecture hall of our school from the afternoon to the afternoon of April. You are a native speaker of English and you can help a lot of us.

If you can sincerely come to Lihua, my classmates will be very grateful.




Dear patty, I hope you haven't arranged any planes for this weekend. You know I'm moving into my new house. I sincerely invite you to my new house.

I'll have a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is very beautiful. I'm sure you'll like it.

On Saturday, you can walk around my house. The party will be on Sunday night. You can stay at my house They can go fishing or play table tennis, so please prepare for them.

You can drive here and you will see a board near Kelly's house. You only need an hour to get here. I hope nothing can stop you from coming here, your family, Kelly.


亲爱的佩蒂, 我希望你没有为这个周末安排任何飞机,你知道我要搬进新房子,我真诚地邀请你来我的新房子我将在星期六晚上举行一个庆祝会这里的风景非常棒,我相信你会喜欢它在星期六,你可以在我的房子里走走,聚会将于星期天晚上你可以住在我家里,我们可以去钓鱼或打乒乓球,所以请为他们做些准备你可以开车到这里,你会看到凯利家附近的一块木板。你只需要一个小时就到了这里我希望没有什么能阻止你来这里,你的亲情,凯莉                                                                                                                                                     。


Dear Tian Tian Tian (dear, how did you plan for the winter vacation? I've been thinking about going to the east coast. How about staying in Hualien for two days? If the time is tight, we can travel around the island. We can fly to Hualian and then take the train back to the east coast.

There will be many beautiful scenic spots on the east coast. There will be many beautiful scenic spots on the east coast. Picture pictures.

Call me or write a note to me. As long as you decide your kinship, you can decide your family relationship, 1313.


亲爱的天田(亲爱的,你怎么为寒假做了计划?我一直在想去东海岸,在花莲住两天怎么样?如果时间紧迫,我们可以去环岛旅游,我们可以飞到花莲,然后坐火车返回东海岸,东海岸将会有很多美丽的风景名胜图片图片给我打电话或给我写一个便条,只要你决定你的亲情, 雷锋回来了阿盖恩。


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