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关于”写人的加“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Write people's plus。以下是关于写人的加的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write people's plus

Never say "Dino cross", there is no new wine in the old bottle, and don't be too old to learn. There are no weeds in the garden. It's never too late.

There are no living people who can't do two things at once. No one is intelligent or learned. No one is satisfied.

No one is more blind than the invisible. No one is more deaf than the one who can't hear the news Good news no one can call back yesterday, no pain, no harvest, no pain, no rose, no thorn, no sweat, no smoke, no fire, no courage, nothing dries faster than tears. For a person who thinks of it, nothing is difficult, and for travelers, nothing is more needed than language.

Everything is easy to get. But if boftini doesn't move forward, he doesn't know what happened before he was born. He's always a child.

There's no way he can't be obedient. Service is the best teacher. Attack is the best defense.

Old friends. Old wine is the best old crime. Make new disgrace.

Once a man, twice a child, once a thief. Always a thing has been bitten. Twice a boy is a man Boy, two boys, half a boy, three boys, no boy, one witness who can't put down the clock is better than ten hearsay and one lie.




First of all, if I am Yao Ming, I think I can hold up the sky with my hands and arms, because I am the tallest person on the basketball court. I am a famous star, and also a star of our country. So my work is not only for myself, but also for my country.

I must motivate our citizens and show our excellent culture in China. I think if I can win in the field, as a famous star, I am a sailor of culture. This is an opportunity for me to tell the world with my strength that China is a powerful and knowledgeable country.

Finally, I will try my best to play my favorite ball on my international stage to shine and create. I always stand out from the crowd. China never fails.

How about you join me.




标签: 英文 翻译 四年级 作文 真题

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