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关于”大一如何规划自己的生活“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How do freshmen plan their lives。以下是关于大一如何规划自己的生活的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How do freshmen plan their lives

Our school is Huamei international school. There are many classes in our primary school. It is a very beautiful place.

There are many kinds of trees and flowers. So the air here is very good. We can hear birds singing in the school.

We can see the students doing sports, such as playing basketball, football, volleyball and running. Sometimes our teachers and we Playing together, every class in our school has a happy school life. There are many pictures and cards on the wall.

Each class in our school has more than one student. Teachers and students are like friends.




My college life I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life because I was born in a small village in a remote countryside when I was young. However, I didn't have a good education environment.

I set a goal and have confidence to become a college student after studying hard. I passed the national college entrance examination with excellent results Everyone is proud of me because I am the first college student in the village. When I came to the school, I was warmly welcomed by the school.

I feel that my study is not only for myself, but also for the honor of our neighbors and the school.




You are on your own career journey. Walking alone is just for your dream job. It is full of novel adventure experience.

Of course, the career journey in your heart will have a clear destination. Only you are very clear about your interests and advantages, and find the industry that is most consistent with your talent and personality. The most priority position for the company and even you at present should be for my career Career to make the best choice and decision, but you may also want to consider, your dreams and interests will change over time, the whole workplace is surging, personal environment and personal preferences will also change with the passage of time, you need to work hard for your career and other related life planning to make a series of self-assessment requirements It is the most difficult time for many people to face career choice, but it is also the most important part.

The understanding of different professional knowledge, different job responsibilities and required technologies will help you to make career choices, and let you find those that are most consistent with your interests and personal qualities The more you know about the whole industry and the trend, the more you need to know what kind of people the employer is, so that you can make a decision to measure yourself, so that you can achieve the success of your whole career for your effective marketing and smooth entry into the workplace.




标签: 大学 初一 作文 万能 规划

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