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关于”寒冷的天气“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Cold weather。以下是关于寒冷的天气的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cold weather

In my city, winter is cold and wet, which makes the winter days more difficult. In my hometown, whether it is summer or winter, I like cold weather, but I don't like humidity, because it prevents me from going out to play, and it will be colder when it rains. In addition, when it rains, it's wet and dirty outside, which makes you uncomfortable.

Put your feet on the door, and the whole city is covered with fog. In a word, I always feel uneasy in such weather. Anyway, the weather in my city is really bad, I don't like it at all.

I wish I could move to a warmer place with less rain.





/Sunny: refers to the phenomenon that there is no cloud or scattered clouds in the sky, but the amount of cloud is less than 1 / 3 / mm of the sky area; it refers to the weather phenomenon with low and medium cloud amount accounting for 1 / 3 / mm; light rain: the rainfall within 1 hour is less than or equal to mm, and the hourly rainfall is less than mm; moderate rain: a common weather, scientifically defined as the precipitation of millimeter per hour; rainstorm: rainfall impact of more than millimeter within an hour: short and sudden rainfall Thunderstorm: more intense than shower, accompanied by discharge, is a common type of summer rainstorm: it is one of the most serious and frequent meteorological disasters. For example: Spring occurs between February and April. Frost is a sudden drop in air temperature and a sudden drop in ground temperature below centigrade.

Typhoon: a tropical cyclone that forms a tropical or subtropical snowstorm at 5 degrees centigrade over the broad sea surface above. It is a general term for heavy precipitation with strong cold air flow below centigrade.





Climate weather typhoon tornado cloudy and cloudy snowstorm rain fog storm sandstorm thunderstorm hail rain shower storm storm snowstorm weather sunny weather sunny weather sunny weather sunny sunny weather sunny sunny weather we had a downpour, a light rain, a light rain, just a little rain. Last week, we had a few inches of snow and sleet.




标签: 英文 作文 万能 专业 天气

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