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关于”疯狂的旅行“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Crazy travel。以下是关于疯狂的旅行的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Crazy travel

Why is the letter E so sad? Why is the letter E so important? What can pierce a person's ear without leaving a hole? What is the longest word in the world? A policeman has a brother, but a brother can't be a key: because it's always short of money and always in debt key: because it's the beginning of everything key: noise key: smile because there's a mile between the letters: police Guan is a lady.




2:疯狂旅行,When we walk on the street, we are easily attracted by those thin young girls who are considered to be perfect figures, which makes them stand out. Advertisements also inculcate the idea that only a thin body can make them beautiful. So many people try to lose weight.

Many young girls choose to eat less, and some even don't eat when they are hungry. They are doing it Other things to distract them. As we all know, skipping breakfast can damage people's health.

It's not worth keeping slim at the expense of health. Some people may say that celebrities show them good examples of eating less food, but they ignore the fact that these people are experts. Even if they eat less, they eat a balanced diet, which is to keep them beautiful Young girls should be wise to accept the glamour of who they are with a healthy and confident image.




3:疯狂的旅行,Last night, my best friend held his birthday party. I bought him a big cake. Many ordinary friends came.

We ordered food and enjoyed ourselves. We sent him our best wishes, and my friend said, "when we finished our dinner, we sang him a happy birthday song. Then I realized that several friends were whispering.

When I was thinking, they seemed to be planning something. Suddenly, one of my friends picked up a cake and threw it in the face of my best friend. Then everyone was shocked and laughed at me I wonder if my best friend would be angry.

He laughed and threw the cake to us. We ran away, but no one could escape. We all need to wash our faces.

It was a crazy but happy birthday party.




标签: 考研 作文 万能 旅行

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