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关于”海贼王“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:One Piece。以下是关于海贼王的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One Piece

D Lufei, the deceiving man, is the king's man. He needs to be a poacher's scar on his face. He ate rubber fruit for his certificate.

He has a group of capable partners who will never give up their own indomitable will and indomitable spirit. Lufei has the courage to fight, feel like a friend and gamble on life. Many people become friends because of the straight road.




2:海贼王,D Lufei is a king's man. He needs to be a poacher's scar on his face. He ate rubber fruit for his certificate.

He has a group of capable partners who will never give up their own indomitable will and indomitable spirit. Lufei has the courage to fight, feel like a friend and gamble on life. Many people become friends because of that road.




3:海贼王,D Lufei is a king's man. He needs to be a poacher's scar on his face. He ate rubber fruit for his certificate.

He has a group of capable partners who will never give up their own indomitable will and indomitable spirit. Lufei has the courage to fight, feel like a friend and gamble on life. Many people become friends because of that road.




标签: 四年级 作文 年级 满分

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