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关于”设计自己的机器人“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Design your own robot。以下是关于设计自己的机器人的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Design your own robot

With the development of science, more and more people are confused about whether robots are good or bad. They will replace human beings. Every coin has two sides.

Robots are good for our society and life, but also have some bad effects on our lives. I think the advantages of robots far outweigh the disadvantages of robots. First of all, robots make our life more convenient To do a lot of things we didn't have the ability to do in the past, which makes our life more efficient.

Robots can be used in industrial production. Factories can reduce production costs by using robots. Robots don't need to eat, and they don't get sick, which is very good for producing goods.

Third, robots can save more people when disasters happen, because they will not feel pain, they can save more people, but will not feel tired. The world is changing. We should also change our thinking, accept robot movement, make it a part of our life and make our life more colorful.




2:,My name is Amy, and I want to make a robot possible, which means that he can do everything he is good at and help others, especially my family. He can help my grandparents cross the road, go downstairs, stay with them and so on, so they won't be bored. Second, he can be my parents' best hand.

For example, he can be busy at my parents' evenings Pour them a cup of tea at work. Moreover, he can solve this problem, so that he can save my parents' time. They will have more time to accompany me in the end.

He can become my learning partner. When I am tired, he will study with me. When I am tired, he will say some interesting words to me to relax.

So I am honored to have the best robot o (∩) O O(∩∩)O(∩∩)O(∩∩)O(∩∩)O.


我的名字叫艾米,我想让一个机器人成为可能,这意味着他可以做他擅长的一切帮助别人,尤其是我的家人,他可以帮助我的祖父母过马路,下到楼上去,和他们呆在一起等等,这样他们就不会太无聊了第二,他可以是我父母最好的手例如,他能在我父母晚上忙着工作的时候给他们倒杯茶。而且,他能解决这个问题,这样他就可以节省我父母的时间,他们最后会有更多的时间陪我,他可以成为我的学习伙伴,当我累的时候,他会和我一起学习,当我很累的时候,他会对我说一些有趣的话来放松自己所以我很荣幸能拥有最好的机器人O(∩∩)O O(∩∩)O(∩∩)O(∩∩)O(∩∩)O。


3:设计自己的机器人,My robot last night, I had a beautiful dream. I was very excited when a robot came to my home. I called her pink because she wore all my work.

She cleaned me, mopped the floor, made my bed, cooked and handled my homework. Whenever I asked her, she did everything she could, she never complained about her physical problems and didn't need to rest for a few days. I was very tall She has been working for me all day.

I cry and my dear pink disappears. I find a message that says: I'm not a real girl. I'm treated as someone who doesn't feel.

But in fact, I can play as freely as a real girl, but in you, I may feel like I'm treated as a maid, not as a human being I think I'm hurt. Goodbye, my little master. Oh, I'm sorry for what I did before pink.

You're right. I should treat you as my real friend. Remember, robots are also human beings.




标签: 高考 英文 作文 万能 机器人

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