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A man has only one little daughter. He loves children very much. He lives for her.

He was his life, so when she was ill, he became like a man. In order to restore her health, he was like a man who moved the heaven and earth. However, all he did was in vain.

The child died, and the father became a painful hermit, isolated from many of his friends. He refused all activities that could restore his balance and restore him to his normal self, but one night He had a dream. He saw a grand event in heaven.

All the cherubs lined up and passed the white throne. Every angel in white robe held a candle. He noticed that one of them was a child's candle.

He saw that the child with the black candle was his own little girl. He held her in his arms and stroked her gently. Then he asked He, my dear, what is your candle? Dad, they often relight the candle, but your tears always put it out.

As soon as he woke up from his dream, the lesson was very clear. From that moment on, he was no longer a hermit, but mingled freely and happily with his former friends and colleagues. His lovely candle would never be extinguished by his useless tears.




2:,My birthday yesterday was my birthday. I had a good time with my family and friends. I got up early and took a walk with my friends because I wanted to enjoy the first morning of my fourth year while walking.

My friends and I talked happily about the past year. Everyone believed that I could do better at night in the following year. My family prepared delicious food for me.

There was a big cake with candles on it. My father lit the candle for me. I made a sweet wish that only I knew.





3:喜悦的泪水,Man's most precious property is life, which is only given to him once. He must live, so that he will not feel the painful regret of the wasted years, nor know the burning shame of the mean and trivial past. He may say that my life has devoted all my strength to the greatest cause in the world and to fight for the liberation of mankind.




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