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关于”有关世锦赛“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About the World Championships。以下是关于有关世锦赛的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About the World Championships

In the early morning of August

5, Beijing time, Sun Yang successfully defended his title in the men's meter freestyle final of the world swimming championships. This was Sun Yang's third gold medal in the competition and the fifth goal of China's swimming, which was slower than that in London Olympic Games. When Sun Yang won the championship, Sun Yang used his fifth goal in his career to compete with Luo Xuejuan in the Chinese women's world In the men's and rice freestyle, Sun Yang won the best male athlete of the year, while the only American athlete, Ricky, won the best female athlete of the year.

In addition, China ranked second with gold medals.





2:,Nelson Mandela, the president of South Africa, tried his best to help black people gain the same rights as white people. He was born near transkey in, and was born in the Youth League of the African National Congress in. He was sent to Robben Island prison for more than

20 years.

When he got out of prison, everything began to turn for the better, Berthe became president of the ANC, and then I thought Nelson Mandela was a brave, selfless and generous man, maybe a friendly people.




3:有关世锦赛,We still have to accept the importance of self-esteem, because self-esteem is so important that it can never be easily acquired. We share a painful experience through which we inevitably reshape ourselves. In my opinion, self-esteem comes from self-confidence, which is measured by one's values.

Self esteem is the equivalent of one's ability.




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