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关于”家教的利与弊“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of tutoring。以下是关于家教的利与弊的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of tutoring

During the summer vacation, many parents will hire some teachers to teach their children at home. They hope their children can learn better and get higher grades. I think everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages are: students can learn something during the holidays, they can't play every day, they have to spend some time learning. If the teacher is experienced and good, and students can learn more than in class, then students can learn more knowledge, which will help them go back to school, but the disadvantage is: sometimes the people hired by parents are not good for students Strict or inexperienced, their children can't learn a lot of things. Maybe they will get wrong knowledge, which is harmful to their future study.

So I think parents should know about this teacher before hiring some teachers.




More and more middle school students are going to attend various training classes or have private teachers on weekends. There are two different views on this: one is that it is necessary; the other is that it is more effective; the second is that learning with teachers can strengthen what they have learned in class than learning alone. In addition, they can learn more.

Other people think it is a waste of time. It is easy for students to form a habit of relying on another thing. Students need to relax from time to time.

Moreover, the purpose of many training courses or private teachers is that, in my opinion, whether you need a training class or a private teacher depends on whether you are really weak in a certain subject. Maybe this is OK for you But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher, otherwise it will be a waste of time and money.




Whether family education should be banned? The answers vary widely. Some people support family education. They always say that if their children can get extra teaching, their children can run in front of their classmates.

They also say that they have a lot of homework they don't know, so they have to find tutors to teach them, but others think that family education will waste students In addition, the tuition fees of tutors are very high, and some families can't afford them. But I think the disadvantages of family education outweigh the advantages, so we should strictly enforce the law and prohibit the absence of family teaching Can't the family education of children make students come up with better learning methods.




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