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关于”我的奇思妙想“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My wonderful idea。以下是关于我的奇思妙想的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My wonderful idea

One afternoon, on his way home, Li Lei saw two sheep eating wheat in the field. He wanted to pull the sheep out of the field. At first, he held the mother sheep, but she was too strong for him to let her move.

He sat down and thought about it. He thought about it, and finally he had a good idea. The ewe took a child with her.

She loved her baby very much. When the mother saw him pick up the lamb and run out of the field, she followed him and walked out of the field. Think about it, you will have a good idea.




One afternoon, on his way home, Li Lei saw two sheep eating wheat in the field. He wanted to pull the sheep out of the field. At first he held the ewe, but she was too strong for him to let her move.

He sat down and thought about it for a while. Finally, he had a good idea. The mother sheep took a little sheep with her.

She loved her child very much. When the ewe saw him pick up the baby sheep and ran out of the field, she followed him and came out of the field. Think about it, you will have a good idea.




A good idea one afternoon, Li Lei saw two sheep eating wheat in the field on his way home. He tried to pull the ewe out of the field, but nothing happened. He tried again, but she still did not move.

He thought that when the mother sheep saw him pick up her little sheep and ran away, he finally had a good idea, she followed him out of the field.




标签: 英文 高分 作文 专业

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