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关于”人生面临的挑战“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Challenges in life。以下是关于人生面临的挑战的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Challenges in life

We often have two important decisions in our life: we should not make decisions at any time, because we should not miss these two decisions. On the one hand, we should have an obvious and objective judgment on ourselves, and have a clear understanding of the world around us; on the other hand, we should also think about opportunities, many people may not Too agree with this view, think that opportunity is so rare, only the luckiest person will encounter it, opportunity is open to everyone, when you face it, you should make good use of it, as the saying goes: opportunity only comes from prepared mind, so when you face the choice next time, remember, use your brain, seize the good opportunity, will pave the way for success.



万能作文模板 study the picture carefully and write an article. In this article, you should describe the picture, explain its meaning, and point out its impact on our life this simple picture represents the situation that everyone must face: when approaching an intersection, which direction should one choose? Most of the audience can understand the hesitation and uncertainty embodied in this image. Everyone has to make a choice in life, whether it is focusing on school, career or love.


Some choices are simple and one cannot avoid the task of making difficult decisions. The choice is often directly related to a person's happiness. For example, college students are faced with a difficult and critical decision when they graduate.

It is difficult for many students to decide whether to continue to study or to develop their own career. Everyone is different. In addition to understanding the specific situation, one must also consider the factors of personal life.

However, making the right choice also depends on oneself Therefore, once we make a decision, we must have both reality and self-consciousness. We should seriously accept and pursue the road we have chosen, and strive to achieve our goals with our spirit. In this picture, we can see a person standing at an intersection with two similar roads and trying to decide which road to take in daily life.

We often face such a choice. We must make a decision independently. This moment is very important for everyone.

In order to make a decision we will not regret, we should keep two principles in mind On the one hand, we should objectively judge ourselves and have a clear understanding of the world around us. On the other hand, we should also consider opportunities. Many people may not agree with this view.

Only the luckiest people will encounter it. Opportunities are open to everyone when you face them When it comes to it, you should make good use of it, as the saying goes: opportunities come only from the prepared mind.







3:人生面临的挑战,Many college students say that they are faced with too much life pressure, they are running from morning to night. Then, there are three kinds of pressure on College Students: the first kind of pressure comes from students themselves. In order to become excellent students and obtain scholarships, many students spend more time on study and less time on entertainment or rest; the second pressure comes from their peers Many students feel guilty if they do something else.

They think the only way to overcome the fear of being left behind is to study harder. The last pressure comes from the competition for jobs after graduation. In recent years, the number of college graduates in the employment market has increased sharply, which makes it difficult for college students to find jobs.

Many students think that the more knowledge they have learned in the University, the greater the chance to find a job in the job market in the future. A certain amount of pressure is not necessarily a bad thing. It stimulates students to study hard.

Too much pressure is harmful to people's health. College students should accept themselves and the world around them. In addition, they should learn how to reduce unnecessary stress in their daily life.







标签: 高分 九年级 作文 人生 年级

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