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关于”学习吹笛子“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Learn to play the flute。以下是关于学习吹笛子的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Learn to play the flute

I remember my learning experience. Sometimes I study with my classmates, but sometimes I prefer to study alone. Cooperative learning can help us improve our communication ability.

At the same time, it can also give us a platform to exchange ideas. Through cooperative learning, we can get more opportunities to recognize our classmates, but there are also some shortcomings. For example, when we study, we can We can not study, but chat with our classmates.

Individual learning also has some advantages. First of all, if we study alone, we will think about some things by ourselves. It can help us improve our thinking ability.

Personal learning is conducive to our creation. Because individual learning has some advantages and cooperative learning also has some advantages, so I think we should combine the two.




2:,With the coming of Beijing Olympic Games, English, as a common language in the world, is of greater significance to Chinese people. As a communication tool, English has become a fashion in China. Not only are well-educated college students, but also most ordinary people are using their spare time.

In English, the outside world needs to enter China, and China has become more and more popular It used to be more open. There is no doubt that English is the link that connects Chinese people with people from all over the world.




3:学习吹笛子,I have two flutes. One is very complete and good, the other is broken. When I see them, I can't help feeling sorry and thinking of my dear father.

I like playing flute very much. Although I am busy studying, I try to find time to play it. I believe that at the last New year's party for which I played, I played quite well and the students praised my performance I was determined to be an excellent flute player, so I told my father that I wanted to enter Taishan Conservatory of music and dance to study flute playing, but he didn't agree with my poor score in the final exam.

My father was very angry. He not only hit me, but also damaged my flute. He told me not to play flute any more.

A few days later, I noticed that my father did not He seemed to feel sorry for what he had done. He wanted to talk to me, but I walked away because I had not forgiven him a few days ago. A classmate told me that my father came to visit me at school because I was still angry with him and didn't want to see him.

So I asked my classmates to tell him that I was not in the classroom. After a while, my classmate came back with a beautiful flute in his hand It's so nice to have a smile on his face. It's very kind of him to say "my dear father" jealously.

I'm talking to myself, while tears begin to slide down my face..


:我的两支长笛我有两支笛子①一支很完整很好另一支很破碎当我看到它们的时候,我不由得感到遗憾和想起我亲爱的父亲我非常喜欢吹笛子虽然我忙于学习,但我努力找时间来演奏,我相信在我为之演奏的最后一个新年晚会上我吹得相当好同学们都称赞我的表演,我下定决心要成为一名优秀的长笛演奏家,所以我告诉我父亲我想进入泰山音乐舞蹈学院学习长笛演奏,但他不同意我在最后一次期末考试中的成绩很差,我父亲很生气,他不仅打了我,但是他也把我的笛子弄坏了他告诉我不要再吹笛子几天后我注意到我父亲不再生我的气他似乎为他所做的事感到抱歉他想和我谈谈,但是我走开了,因为前几天我还没有原谅他,一个同学告诉我,我父亲来学校看望我,因为我还在生他的气,不想见他,于是我让同学告诉他,我不在教室,一会儿我的同学回来了,手里拿着一把漂亮的笛子,脸上带着微笑,真是太好了“而体贴你的父亲”是他在嫉妒地说“我亲爱的父亲”我自言自语,同时眼泪开始顺着我的脸滑落[流感:t]n.②体贴的[k n'sid rit]a.③嫉妒的['envi s]a。。


标签: 九年级 作文 万能 年级

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