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The "ant tribe" is a typical summary of the "low-income group of college graduates". After three vulnerable groups (farmers, migrant workers, migrant workers), the fourth vulnerable group is: high education, mainly engaged in insurance marketing, electronic equipment sales, advertising sales, catering services, temporary workers, some even unemployed, underemployed, with an average monthly income of less than 2000 In Yuan Dynasty, most of them did not have the "three insurances" and labor contracts. The average age was focused on years.

The "post" generation of Jiucheng City tended to live in the edge of the city or the rural areas in the suburbs, forming a unique "settlement village". They were like the "weak" among the ants, and they were well known by a huge community.




2:,Only a person with a sense of crisis can survive, develop and thrive. There are many people staring at the distant scenery, but often can't see the brilliance around you. If you want to make others pay attention to you, you can only do this by relying on solid achievements and good ability.

You can always keep a one-year-old child's mentality, because you have a kind of naive, pure and sunny spirit, and you also enjoy all the rights of adults. In addition, your brain has a strong desire for knowledge, you have a burning passion for life and the future, if there is only one thing in the world that can arouse your emotions, let it be sincere. If there is only one way you can succeed in the world, it is diligence.





3:蚁人,I believe I'm not my body every day, we see the perfect body image, we believe our body is the adolescence we're going through, adulthood, now middle age, and I waste a lot of time lamenting the size of my hips, my gray hair, the wrinkles on my face, and when I get close to my s, I believe my parents have always been right: I'm not my body I was born at the end of the baby boom. Unfortunately, when I came here, all parts of my body were not completely intact. My left arm was a small hand and a short amputation of three fingers, reminiscent of my good luck with thalidomide deficiency, and I had excellent parents who were soldiers, and they typed "I can't" in my vocabulary and replaced it with "I'll find a way." They believe that the development of mind, heart and soul determines who you are and who you will be.

My body cannot be used as an excuse, but a catalyst. My body has not been ignored. Although it has undergone surgery, it has been dragged to physical therapy, then swimming, and finally to yoga, but it is not the focus of my life.

I am taught to respect my body, but remember that it is just A vehicle to carry something important: my brain and soul. In addition, I was taught that the body has all kinds of shapes, colors and sizes, and that everyone struggles to some extent with their physical defects. The advertisement made me believe it must be true, although in adolescence, I found it hard to believe that cheerleading had any self doubt in my alternating body.

I learned the experience of patience, determination, frustration and success, and I couldn't play the piano, It didn't climb the stone wall, but it taught all the children nearby to eat with their feet, which was the skill he learned in children's hospital. He eventually learned to tie his shoes, cross the stage to get a college diploma, backpack across Europe, change my baby's diaper. Some people think I'm my body, prejudice or regret me.

Some people are just curious. It took years, but I've learned it My body has taught me to respect my fellow citizens, even the thin, the strong and the beautiful, my language, my thoughts and my actions. I am full of love, humor, ambition and wisdom.

I believe that I am your human compatriots, just like you, I am not just a corpse http://wwwyeyeyancom/articles/view///dz .


我相信我不是我的身体每天,我们看到完美的身体图像,我们相信我们的身体是我们正在经历的青春期,成年期,现在进入中年,我浪费了很多时间来感叹我的臀部大小,我的头发灰白,我脸上的皱纹,当我接近我的s,我相信我的父母一直都是对的:我不是我的身体,我出生在婴儿潮末期不幸的是,我来到这里时身体各部分都没有完全完好无损我的左臂是一只小手和三个手指的短截肢,让人想起我的好运有沙利度胺缺陷,我有优秀的父母,他们是战士,他们从我的词汇中打出“我不能”,取而代之的是“我会找到一条路”他们相信心智、心灵和灵魂的发展决定了你是谁,你将成为谁我的身体不能被用作借口,而是一种催化剂,我的身体没有被忽视,虽然它经历了手术,但它被拖到物理治疗,然后游泳,最后到瑜伽,但它不是我生活的重点,我被教导尊重我的身体,但要记住它只是一个运载重要东西的工具:我的大脑和灵魂。此外,我还被教导身体有各种形状、颜色和大小,每个人都在某种程度上与他们的身体缺陷作斗争,广告使我相信这一定是真的,尽管在青春期,我发现很难相信啦啦队在我交替形成的身体里有任何自我怀疑,我学到了耐心、决心、挫折和成功的经验不会弹钢琴,也不会爬石墙,但它教会了附近所有的孩子用脚吃饭,这是它在儿童医院学到的技能,它最终学会了系鞋带,跨过舞台拿到大学文凭,背包穿越欧洲,给我的宝宝换尿布有些人认为我就是我的身体,对我抱有偏见或者遗憾有些人只是好奇这花了很多年,但我已经学会了无视别人的目光,只是微笑着回应我的身体教会了我尊重我的同胞,即使是瘦弱的,强壮的,美丽的人我的语言,我的想法和我的行动我充满了爱,幽默,雄心和智慧我相信:我是你的人类同胞,和你一样,我不仅仅是一具尸体http://wwwyeyeyancom/articles/view///dz 。


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