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关于”女性在中国的地位“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The status of women in China。以下是关于女性在中国的地位的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The status of women in China

(the role of Chinese women in society) the first word I think of is change. Especially in the 21st century, the status and types of women's roles in the old society of China have changed greatly. Women are generally lower than men.

Women should remain ignorant and obedient. Their fathers are married, their husbands are widowed, and their sons are women The main role of a man is considered to be a man's private property and a symbol of pleasing the husband and having children. Women's submissiveness is a practice that fetters women's feet and has lasted for several years.

With the development of society, the role of Chinese women in all aspects of society is undergoing great changes. In general, women have become more independent. They have the right to receive education and enter the job market to find jobs.

From nurses, teachers to doctors, engineers and managers, women are no longer limited to certain fields, and even surpass Men in some jobs held by men in the past. Women's abilities have been recognized, and they are more and more respected by the society and still exist In some problems, especially in some rural areas, women's status is still low, they have to obey their husbands, and they are almost illiterate. Therefore, women still have a long way to go before they can lead to a completely equal society.

In a word, the role of women in Chinese society is becoming diversified and significant, which is undoubtedly the development trend of the whole world.





Women are powerless in the modern society. Women are playing an increasingly important role in modern society. Today, in many countries, more and more women act as workers, farmers, scientists and even leaders.

We can say that almost all the work that men can do is successfully completed by women. Women are no longer looked down upon. With the change of social roles, women's status in the family has become more and more important It has been improved and the status of husband and wife in the family has been equal.

In today's family, women work together to deal with the problems of daily life and share happiness with each other. In spite of these changes in women's liberation, women are not usually busy eating, and they do not fully realize that some men are self-centered and regard women as incompetent. Few women are allowed to participate in important international conferences dominated by men.

This is indeed a problem that we should solve immediately.




Since God created Adam and Eve, women and men have been regarded as two completely different groups in the world. Our ancestors never doubted this established fact. However, modern women have highly developed intelligence, but they often do not believe the truth for thousands of years.

Believe it or not, one of my friends is such a girl, she is always false Pretend to be a loyal follower of women's rights.




标签: 中国 初二 作文 万能 范文

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