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关于”流行歌曲“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:popular song。以下是关于流行歌曲的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:popular song

Try / I'm looking for chagudeshania Twain who once had a dream come true club, any man whose name is EMIM, my name is EMIM happy boy girl Barbie girl girl when you say nothing at Allison Claus, the candy store gives you the power of Bryan Adan slofserin, dionylo cordeplay can be a man without mimiminim Don't close the door of America. American idiot green day. Neverland Avenue green moon shadow ditch covered yesterday.

Yes, Jane Birkin. Because you live in Jesse McCartney. When you believe that Maria Kelly won't change my love for you, we'll rock you queen.


试着/我要找查古德莎妮娅·吐温曾经有过一个梦想成真的俱乐部,任何一个我叫埃米姆的男人我叫埃米姆快乐男孩女孩芭比女孩女孩当你在阿莱森·克劳斯什么都不说,糖果店分给你布莱恩·亚当斯洛夫塞琳的力量迪奥尼洛科德普拉伊可以成为一个没有米米米米尼姆的人不要关掉美国之门美国白痴绿日,梦幻大道绿色月光阴影沟覆盖昨天是的一天Jane Birkin因为你住在杰西·麦卡特尼当你相信玛丽亚凯莉不会改变我对你的爱我们会摇滚你女王。


When the news reports on the income of pop singers, it shows that the highest income of a pop singer in a year may be more than $100 million, and even the average income may exceed the wealth of normal people in their lifetime. One reason why the income should be lower is that pop singers should get lower income because it is too easy for them to make money. For example, top stars can get good income as product spokesmen They just need to show their beautiful faces.

For an ordinary person, he needs to work hard to earn a meager income. Another reason why pop singers deserve a lower income is to balance the gap between the rich and the poor. It is important to let people know that every job should be respected.

The same income can help them understand that small differences in income can be better promoted social security.




(pop music) pop music, commonly referred to as pop music, is a common type of contemporary music and pop music (distinguished from classical music, art music, and folk music). The term does not specifically refer to a single genre or sound. Its meaning varies with the time and place of pop music.

The style features of pop music, such as dancing rhythm or beat, simple melody and repetitive structure, are often emotional and related to love or dance.




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