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关于”虚拟世界的利弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of virtual world。以下是关于虚拟世界的利弊的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of virtual world

The two great inventions of computer and Internet have been developing at an amazing speed in the past half century. Nowadays, a virtual world which is quite different from the real world in the past. In the virtual world, with the help of advanced communication means, people have more extensive contact, which is more convenient and cheaper than those in real life.

I, a Chinese, never thought that I could be with mine American friends talk freely on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. In traditional society, the virtual world seems to be much smaller than the real world. It is displayed on the screen, heard from the receiver rather than touched.

Everything in the virtual dimension can not be real. Just as a famous saying in the Internet worm, "no one knows you are a dog", freedom of speech is enough. However, netizens think it is necessary Privacy, what you do is irretrievable in real life.

In addition, you can recover yourself in computer games and delete files in virtual office. Everything we do can be saved in the virtual world. In my opinion, it seems to me that our goal is to keep balance and live a colorful life.




The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet with the development of technology, the Internet is closely related to our life, the Internet is changing our life. I think the Internet makes it very convenient for us to obtain information. We can learn through the Internet.

It can make us erudite. We can also buy things through it, instead of shopping. As the saying goes, every coin has two sides.

The Internet is no exception. It has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of the Internet.

I think it makes us spend a lot of time playing video games and moving There are also some bad things that we don't need to know. As I said, every coin has two sides. We should choose the right one.

If we use the Internet correctly, it can help us do a lot of things and make our life easier. However, we do not have to worry about the shortcomings of the network, we should use it carefully.




People's life in high school students almost have to do homework, they just need to learn how to use computers and computer programs, if they are sick, they don't need to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Why don't they go to the hospital because their bodies are not very strong, because computers can act as doctors at that time, and even can see that at that time, many people lived in the month The ball and mark, therefore, we will visit the moon and Martha in our daily life, we have a Bessie traffic, the earth will be Kam instead of isines in a year, we will continue to light people from other planets.




标签: 六年级 作文 世界 利弊 满分

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