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关于”写摇滚乐“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write rock music。以下是关于写摇滚乐的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write rock music

Pop music, a form of popular music, originated from and integrated with a variety of musical styles, especially R & B, country music and Gospel originated in the United States. Its characteristics are electronic amplified instruments, stressed beat, relatively simple phrase structure. Due to the introduction of rock music, the great progress of American Civil liberties and the occurrence of music revolution, Alan is the introducer ·Fred, a music show host in Cleveland, used the word to break the gap between pop music and black and white people, namely rhythm and blues.

Its influence is growing. But radio stations and the recording industry insist that white performers sing for white audiences. This is the only way that black songs can be created and sung.

A wider audience believes that this is the only way for black performers to sing for white audiences It was remade by a white group. Free was able to bypass the ban on African American music by creating a new and attractive name, so he admitted that he would not fight to play banned rhythms and blues. He would treat his audience with what he called rock music.

Although the word did not end musical isolation overnight, it ultimately made race Isolation became impossible, and since black and white performers had used the phrase from the beginning and worked together to develop new rock music, mids informally called it "rock music.". The triumph of rock and roll is so complete that the genre's name is now performed by musicians of all races around the world, and the full name rock and roll has recently been used to mean "go ahead, go ahead," just like "rock and roll." In fact, he did not invent rock music. He just gave it a new definition, which may be extracted from the lyrics of a rhythm and blues pop song called "good rock tonight.".

Before that, rock music had sexual connotations in jazz and blues, just as in "my man shakes me with a steady roll," which Bill Haley's famous "all day rock" was inspired by "my man shakes me with a steady roll." http://wwwanswerscom/topic/rocknroll.


流行音乐一种流行音乐形式,起源于并融合了多种音乐风格,特别是年代起源于美国的节奏蓝调、乡村音乐和福音,其特点是电子放大的乐器、重重音的节拍,相对简单的短语结构由于摇滚乐的引入,美国公民自由的巨大进步以及音乐的革命发生了,介绍人是阿兰·弗里德,克利夫兰的一位音乐节目主持人,他用这个词来破坏流行音乐与黑人和白人之间的隔离,即节奏和布鲁斯,其影响力越来越大,但广播电台和唱片业坚持让白人表演者为白人观众演唱,这是黑人创作和演唱的歌曲能够达到的唯一途径更广泛的观众认为这是由一个白人团体翻拍的,freed能够通过创造一个新的吸引人的名字来绕过对非裔美国人音乐的禁令,因此他承认他不会为了演奏被禁止的节奏和布鲁斯而战斗,他会用他所谓的摇滚乐来对待他的听众,虽然这个词并没有在一夜之间结束音乐隔离,但它最终使种族隔离变得不可能,由于黑人和白人表演者从一开始就开始使用这一短语并共同开发了新的摇滚乐,因此mids也非正式地称之为“摇滚乐”。摇滚乐的胜利是如此的完整,以至于这个流派的名字现在由全世界所有种族的音乐家表演,rock and roll的全称最近被用来表示“出发吧,向前走”,就像“rock and roll”Freed一样,他后来获得了更大的声誉和不幸,在克利夫兰的摇滚博物馆里被恰当地纪念了,但实际上他并没有发明摇滚乐,他只是给了它一个新的定义,可能是从一首叫做“今晚好摇滚”的节奏蓝调流行歌曲歌词中提取出来的摇滚乐。在此之前,摇滚乐在爵士乐和蓝调音乐中都有性的含义,就像在“我的男人用一个稳定的滚动来震撼我”这首由特里克西·史密斯录制的作品中,比尔·海利的著名的“全天候摇滚”灵感来源于此http://wwwanswerscom/topic/rocknroll。


I like pop music. There are many different types of music, classical music, electronic music, country music and blues music. Among them, pop music is my favorite.

I like pop music because they are always fresh. Every time you get tired of a pop song, there will always be a new one waiting for you to listen to. I like to dance with pop music when I feel depressed or tired, It makes me feel young, pop concerts use their beautiful melody to cheer me up and teach me how to live properly.

Pop music is the soul of young people. It will last forever.




British rock music British rock music, sometimes called British rock music, is a kind of popular music style based on American rock music. It rose in the late 1960s and was popular until the appearance of beat music. It is generally believed that it is not as good as the American version of rock and roll.

It plays an important role in the establishment of British youth and pop music culture, and has led to the rise of British youth and pop music culture A key factor in the invasion of mids is that stars of some schools, especially Cliff Richard, have successfully maintained their successful career, and this music form has also experienced a periodic revival.




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