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In my eyes, happiness should be very simple. It doesn't depend on how much money you have or whether you have a wealth of wealth. These are not happiness.

Happiness should be I think for an amputee, happiness, for them, is able to move and walk therefore, for me, what is my happiness, to be able to see good friends are very happy, can help you to make suggestions and become a responsible person, (oneself) should have a sense of responsibility, things calm down before meeting, everything can start from the overall situation, can Considerate enough to others, can contribute, can have love, can forgive, can tolerate, also can love our enemy, everything is very peaceful, does not have the hatred, this is my mind happiness, although very small very ordinary, but, who let me originally is the ordinary person ha ha ha.


在我眼里,幸福应该是很简单的,它不取决于你是否有多少钱,你是否有家财万贯,这些都不是幸福应该是 我认为对于一个截肢者来说,幸福,对于他们来说,是能够移动的,能够行走的 所以,对我来说,我的幸福是什么,能够看到好朋友都很幸福,能帮你出谋划策,成为一个有责任心的人,(自己)要有责任感,事情冷静下来后才能见面,一切都能从大局出发,能够体谅别人,能奉献,能有爱心,能原谅,能宽容,也能爱我们的敌人,一切都很平静,不怀着仇恨,这是我心目中的幸福,虽然很小很普通,但是,谁让我原来是普通人哈哈哈。


A painless lifestyle full of fun equals happiness, which actually reduces their chances of getting real happiness. As a result, many people avoid the source of true happiness, and real happiness always contains some pain. On the other hand, real happiness has nothing to do with fun.

All those who always have so much fun may actually be unhappy. I have a painful experience when I am As a child, I lived a poor life. I had a happy and meaningful life.

In my childhood, my parents always respected each other. Now that we have some money, our life has been greatly improved. To be honest, this is a good thing.

Unfortunately, my father always goes out to participate in gambling activities. My mother sometimes quarrels with my father. I am very dissatisfied with this 。 I don't think money is equal to happiness, nor is a painless lifestyle equal to happiness.

The true happiness is that everyone loves each other and does everything beneficial for our society. Most of my classmates support me, but some students think that money is everything to me. We can't do anything without money, but money can't replace everything, such as your life, your time and your happiness.





The problem with marriage is that your partner doesn't always look at money from the same perspective, and you may resent any debt other than a mortgage, but your spouse doesn't think that putting lunch, groceries and afternoon carnivals on credit cards, paying the minimum monthly and allowing the balance to roll through the conversation, you'll open Getting to know each other's money habits, in turn, will help you find a common way to successfully manage a couple's money neither of you is willing or should not do it exactly in your own way. The purpose of marriage is to better understand how you view and use money as soon as possible, which will provide you with the tools to find both parties satisfied in the event of a financial dispute What should we do to share the economic responsibility? In many marriages, one party exerts economic control over the other party, which makes the silent other feel anxious and angry. Sometimes, one party evades economic responsibility because of indifference, and it is unfair for the other party to bear the responsibility couples should decide how to allocate the various financial obligations that exist.

One side may be responsible for the investment, the other side should balance the checkbook to take advantage of each other. If you are good at challenging bureaucracy, perhaps you agree that the key to handling insurance companies and medical expenses is that you both have an obligation to maintain the financial health of your family, and both of you need to understand the financial situation of the family.


婚姻中出现的问题是因为伴侣并不总是从同样的角度看待钱,你可能会厌恶除了抵押贷款以外的任何债务,然而你的配偶却不认为把午餐、食品杂货和下午的狂欢节放在信用卡上,然后每个月付最低的钱,并允许余额在交谈中滚动关于你们如何看待金钱,你们将开始了解彼此的金钱习惯,反过来,这将帮助你找到一个共同的方法来成功地管理一对夫妻的钱 你们两个都不愿意也不应该完全按照自己的方式去做婚姻是为了尽早更好地了解你们各自如何看待和使用金钱,这将给你们提供工具,以便在出现财务纠纷时找到双方都满意的中间立场 我们应该怎么做分担经济责任在许多婚姻中,一方对另一方施加经济支配,使沉默的另一方感到焦虑和愤怒有时,一方因漠不关心而逃避经济责任,让另一方承担责任也不公平 夫妻应该决定如何分配存在的各种财务义务可能一方负责投资,另一方平衡支票簿发挥彼此的优势如果你擅长挑战官僚主义,也许你同意处理保险公司和医疗费的关键在于,你们都有义务维护家庭的经济健康,夫妻双方都需要了解家庭的经济状况。


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