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关于”遨游太空“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Travel in space。以下是关于遨游太空的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Travel in space

One day, I finished my homework. The theme of the painting was "space tourism". The content was that a team of space tourism experts took a spaceship to travel in space and watched the stars.

They flew away and left the earth. In space, I saw the moon, Mars, wooden stars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Venus, and finally saw some unknown planets Space is dreamlike in the sigh of Star Trek home. They concentrate on watching and forget that when returning to earth, there is not much fuel for the spaceship.

When the fuel is used up, the spaceship will send out an alarm. The pilot will inform the travel experts to fasten the safety belt and get ready. The spacecraft should enter the earth quickly.

The spacecraft is like an arrow flying to the earth, and the fuel only reaches 5% of the earth Distance, finally safe return to earth, I draw too much, although he is also I grew up into space, must go to space to see with my own eyes.




2:,Space tourism is based on people's ideal of going into space and traveling in space, which gives people unprecedented experience. The latest and most surprising thing is that it can stimulate people to watch the beautiful space scenery and enjoy the taste of weightlessness. Only these two kinds of experience can we enjoy space.

Can we say that only the sky space travel project starts the first space tourist in April It's American businessman Dennis Tito, the second space tourist is South African millionaire mark, and the third is Gregory Olson.




3:遨游太空,In the heat of the space race in the s, Nasa decided to need a ballpoint pen to write in the zero gravity range of the space capsule after a lot of research and development. The astronaut pen was developed at a cost of about

1 million US dollars. The pen worked, and as a novelty on earth, it had some small successes.

The Soviet Union faced the same problem, using pencils.




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