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关于”就业问题“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Employment issues。以下是关于就业问题的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Employment issues

Now more and more students are unemployed after graduation. Some students are easy to find a job. However, the fact is that some students think the salary is too low.

They don't want to do this job. In addition to looking for a simple job, their salary is higher. Just as the above reasons, some jobs are not available, but others are free.

In my opinion, those who want to find a higher salary are not Students who don't have a better job to do should start from the basics and do a relaxed job. I believe that through their efforts, they will soon find a better job.




2:,Note: in this section, you can write a letter about graduate employment in minutes. You should write at least a few words based on the following Chinese Syllabus: (employment of graduates) as we all know, the employment situation of graduates is grim, and employment has become a major social problem in our country, and people pay more and more attention to it. There are two aspects to this problem: one is that many college students want to find a job with high salary and pension.

The government and society are facing great pressure. On the other hand, there are many employment opportunities in the western region, so the supply-demand relationship between the East and the west is unbalanced. Few people are willing to go to the west to find a job.

They prefer to live in Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities to solve this problem This is a better option to encourage people to look for jobs in the west, which also helps to develop the local economy and provides a new opportunity for graduates.




3:就业问题,At present, the unemployment rate of college graduates in the United States is around May, which is far lower than the national average level in the United States. The income of college graduates is indeed higher than that of their unwelcome peers. However, according to the current labor market situation in the United States, employment and employment situation, in the next few years, with the influx of new college graduates, the wage level of this class will face pressure in the economic downturn cycle.

Regardless of the reasons for the difference in employment rate, black college graduates must be able to handle the job market as they are now. The lack of opportunities can only be achieved by continuing to be proactive, which not only means more efforts or longer training to improve or enhance their skills and market competitiveness, or to make consistent efforts to establish ties without opportunities Creation, because entrepreneurship is the only ultimate solution to the employment problem. If we take measures to work for ourselves, it will be less difficult to work for others.





标签: 作文 万能 专业 问题

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