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关于”居里夫人的演讲稿“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Madame Curie's speech。以下是关于居里夫人的演讲稿的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Madame Curie's speech

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw from November to July. Her full name is Maria skodovska Curie. French and polish famous scientist, physicist and chemist Curie and beckler won the Nobel Prize in physics together.

For the discovery of ruthenium, Curie again won the Nobel Prize in chemistry, which made them become the world's top two Nobel laureates Under her guidance, two new elements, ruthenium and radium, were discovered. Radioisotopes were first used to treat cancer. Madame Curie died of malignant leukemia in July because of her long-term exposure to radioactive substances.




2:居里夫人的讲话,Madame Curie is a world-famous female scientist. She was born in a teacher's family in Poland. She died when she was 35 years old.

She loved studying and wanted to be a scientist. After graduating from high school, she went to Paris University to study. She lived a simple life and devoted herself to scientific research.

She won the Nobel Prize in physics, the Nobel Prize in chemistry and the Nobel Prize in chemistry in five years Sex is not easy, but winning two Nobel prizes in her life is even more difficult. Madame Curie will always remember her as a great woman.




3:居里夫人的演讲稿,Madame Curie was a French physics professor. She was born in Poland in, and went to Paris University in, because when she was studying in Paris, Polish women were not admitted to universities and lived in poverty, but she worked very hard, because she married Pierre Curie, and they studied radioactive materials together. They found two kinds of radioactive materials, and they were awarded Nobel Prize in her and her husband Bell physics prize died in Pierre, but Mary continued to work.

She won the second Nobel Prize in chemistry, so she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel prizes.




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