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关于”投诉信的写作步骤“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Writing steps of complaint letter。以下是关于投诉信的写作步骤的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Writing steps of complaint letter

I bought a washing machine from you last week. The washing machine has worked very well in the past few days, but it has been making a lot of noise since yesterday. Can you arrange for someone to check the machine, solve the noise problem, or do you have any other way? I hope this problem can be solved within a few days after I send it to you, otherwise I will return this washing machine to refund.




2:投诉信的撰写步骤,Dear Mr. / MS, I am writing to conlain about a microcomputer I bought from your company in / / and it has been transported to my home by your company. When we opened the box, we noticed two dents on the back of the computer and some scratches on the screen.

I hope you can arrange for another brand-new computer Please send it to me, otherwise, I will give you a full refund, XXX.




3:投诉信的写作步骤,Dear Mr. / MS, we bought sq mobile phone from your company a few days ago. We found that we were unable to take pictures and send and receive messages due to malfunction, so we were very inconvenient.

Please check your mobile phone, replace it with a new one or find another one. We hope you can deal with it as soon as possible. We would appreciate your reply in time.




标签: 英文 四年级 作文 真题 投诉信

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