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关于”邀请老师郊游“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Invite teachers for an outing。以下是关于邀请老师郊游的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invite teachers for an outing

Dear Mr. XXX, how are you? We've been planning a picnic these days and we'll be happy if you have time. If you have time and would like to go with us, it must be very interesting.

The picnic will be held in Chaoyang Park this Saturday, starting in the afternoon and ending in the afternoon. There will be a barbecue and a beehive. I can't wait to see you, but if you already have some plans for the day, please email me and we wish you a happy and safe weekend from XXX.





2:邀请老师郊游,Dear editor, let me introduce myself first. My Chinese name is Li Hua. This is the first time I have written an English email to you.

I would like to share my views on birthday parties with you. I agree that our classmates hold birthday parties at home or in restaurants. This is a good opportunity to communicate with students who are not in the same class.

My new friends are also very friendly at the party. This is our after study comparison More relaxed time, so this is my personal opinion as a middle school student. Thank you.




3:邀请老师郊游,Dear Ms. Wei, we will hold a graduation party this Friday evening. I'm glad to invite you to join us.

We thank you very much for your support and encouragement to our primary school study. The party will begin in our classroom this Friday afternoon. I'm looking forward to seeing you, and then your student, lily.





标签: 小学 作文 真题 老师 邀请

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